Chapter 14

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I grab my bookbag and tea and walk out of the apartment. I'm running late to class. God why can't I be a morning person sometimes!? Just as I'm walking out of the building I see Harry about to enter his car.

"HARRY!" I shout. He looks up with a confused look on his face.

"Elena? Shouldn't you be at school? You're usually already at school once I leave the house," he states.

"I overslept. Can you please drive me to my class?" I ask. He just stares at me. I know what he's doing. "Harry please! Babe please!! " i beg as i jump up and down like a 5 year old. Harry laughs.

"I love when you do that. Get in," he says.
I get in his car and we head to NYU.

**** At NYU****

I give Harry one last kiss before I get out of the car and run to my first class. I'm going to be soo late. I run into the building and search for m my first class.

"No. No. No. No. No. Yes!" I say as I finally get to my class door.

I slowly open the door and quietly walk in. I pick the seat right next to me and take out my note book and quickly start writing down the notes on the power point.

The teacher keeps talking till we heard a big noise. We all look around. We start to hear screaming out in the halls and we get up and look out the window of the class. A mob of students were running down the stairs to get to the main floor. The building shook as we heard another loud noise. That's when I realized that the building was falling apart. Everyone in my class and I started to run.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Someone shouted.

There was something flying towards us about to break the window to enter the building. We all quickly get down and scream as we hear the glass and wall break.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" A voice cackled. We all slowly look up to see a man in green on some sort of glider.

"I'm sorry am I late for class? My bad!" He screamed as he flew around as we put down our heads to not get hit. I scream. My heart is racing. My breathing is not the same. The man on the glider grabs two students and flies out the window.

"You guys probably didn't like school anyway. Soo.. bye," he says as he drops them. Everyone screams but the screams of the two students are louder but then the screaming stops.

Some people took the opportunity to keep running. But others, like me,stayed. There was a strange silence. We all looked at each other and we all thought the same thing. What happened to the students? Their screams were too short to know that they fell all the way down meaning they somehow didn't hit the floor. I slowly walk past the students on the stairs and walk towards the big whole in the wall. I carefully look outside and see the two students dangling from some weird sticky web-like substance.

"They're alive," i say and we all smile.

"C'MON WE SHOULD STILL GET GOING WHILE WE STILL CAN!" Someone shouts. We start to quickly run down the stairs. It's not till we get to the 3rd floor that we hear the manic laughing again.

We start to run more quickly until we hear the sound of another wall breaking. We scream. We hold onto the railing as we feel the building tilting over. Some people who were on the more safer part of the building kept running till they were finally out of be building. But not me. I look down, which wasn't the brightest idea, only to see the cars passing by and people screaming as they ran away from the building. I try to hold on to the railing but my finger were slipping. Shit. I screamed as I lost my grip and started sliding towards the edge of the open wall. I immediately hold onto the edge as the rest of my body dangled from the building. I screamed even more.

He left -Spider-man/Peter Parker { ON HOLD}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora