Chapter 22

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*Elena's POV*
Peter. Where's peter?! Is he okay?! I can't find him! Is he still out there?! C'mon Peter! I keep on my toes as I tried to find the chocolate brown curls that belonged to Peter in the crowd of panicked people. My body starts to feel hot as more and more people enter the building the cops put us in to keep us safe. People screamed and babies cried at the sound of the destruction outside. I try to get on a taller surface to protect myself from overheating, but it's no use. People keep bumping into the tables knocking them down and just making them more and more weak.
People erupt in louder screams and my eyes open wide as a taxi is heading right towards us and the glass windows in front of us. I turn my back and cower as I shield the people in front of me with my arms. Why isn't the glass shattering? I open my eyes and slowly turn my back to see the taxi inches away from the glass as it's trapped in... in a web? A web?! A smile expands on my face. Spider-man swings past the building and we cheer.
"Go Spidey, go!!" I shout as me and the rest of the crowd clap for the New york hero.

~ Peter's POV~

I keep shooting my webs as I try to catch up to the criminal. C'mon, let's get this over with already!! I finally throw him down from his feet and I move down to finish. He tries to hit me but I move easily to the side. I dodge every punch and I shoot my webs onto his eyes. He struggles to rip it off and I wrap him up in my webs. The police come and grab him. Everyone cheers but then I hear the snap of my webs. I turn to see the taxi hanging by my webs about to fall. I quickly go over to the taxi and grab it as It's about to hit the building with the citizens.

I look up to Elena

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I look up to Elena. She looks at me.. Well..Spider-Man. In awe with a small smile.
"Hey, how's your day going?!" I shout as my voice shakes as I try to keep the taxi lifted.
"Pretty good," she replies with a small smile and giggle that hid her nerves. I put the taxi back onto the floor and everyone cheers again. I need some time to breath, that was a lot. I look back at Elena and give her a small wave.

 I look back at Elena and give her a small wave

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"Well.. I'll see you around!" I shout and I shoot my web to get out of the area and change back into my normal clothes.

~ Elena's POV~
Everyone checked up on each other to make
sure they were okay. As I asked people if they were fine, I tried to find Peter. Did he make it here? Did he find somewhere else safe to hide? I start to shout.
"Peter! Peter are you here!?" I shout. My heart starts to race, "Peter!" I then feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Peter. I quickly embrace him in a hug and let out a sigh of relief.
"You made it!" I said. "I thought you were hurt," I continue as I cup his face in my hands and smile that he's okay. I then remember, Spider-Man. I give a big smile and do a little jump out of happiness.
"Did you see him Pete!?" I ask
"Spider-Man! He saved us from a taxi and... you're not going to believe this... he talked to me! I mean.. it was a pretty short conversation but he TALKED to me!" I say in happiness. Spidey and I have talked before but he has never done it during one of his fights. I was surprised that he took a few seconds to even say hi to me.
"That's awesome!" Peter said with a wide grin. I smiled and then remembered May and Harry. Are they okay?
"Pete! We should go check up on your aunt May and Harry! I hope they're all right," I say as I grab Peter's arm and start to run towards May's house.
I knock on the door and Peter calls for May.
"May? Are you home!?" He says to the door. The door opens to reveal the kind hearted May that I've known for so long. I immediately give her a hug.
"You're alright!" I say and May laughs.
"Honey, you were the one who was in the building being attacked by a mad man. I was just a few blocks away watching it happen on the news. If anyone should be asking if they're all right it should be me," she replies with a smile and some tears threatening to fall from her eyes. She turns to Peter and engulfs him in a hug.
"Why don't you ever listen to me!? When you see danger run the other way!" She says and Peter laughs.
"We wanted to check up on you to see if you were okay," Peter says.
"Don't worry about me Pete," she says and then stays silent. In fact, there was an awkward pause in the air and it made feel nervous. May then had a sly smirk and looked at me.
"Do you want something to drink?" She asks.
"Sure?" I reply questioning why she gave me that smirk. She hands me a glass of water and then puts her hand on Peter's shoulder.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" She asks him. He nods and they walk away.

*Peter's POV*
"Did you tell her yet?" She asks me once we enter my old room.
"Tell her what?" I ask as my eyebrows scrunch together in confusion.
"C'mon Peter don't play stupid with me! Have you told her how you feel!" She asks with a big smile. My cheeks go red and my eyes go big. I immediately shut the door and then turn to my Aunt May.
"Can you speak any louder!?" I shout in a whisper.
"I'm taking that as a no," she replies.
I let out a big sigh and sit on my old bed and put my head in my hands.
"How many years has it been Peter?! You've loved this girl since you were little! How many more years are you going to wait before you say something!? She's not gonna be around forever Peter," she says. My head shoots up and my eyesbrows scruch together.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"One day, she's gonna meet some boy and fall hopelessly in love. And Peter, that boy won't be you," she replies.
I look down at the floor processing what she just said. You did almost lose her to Harry. What if she doesn't like me back?
"I get where you're coming from May but... What if.. What if she doesn't feel the same way about me?!" I say.
She crosses her arms and lets out a little chuckle.
"Peter Benjamin Parker, you are so blind,"
I scrunch my eyebrows.
"Wait..What does that mean?" I ask and May just starts to open the door and walk back out to the living room.
"May what does that mean!?" I shout a little bit louder than a whisper as I follow her out of my room.
"Well, it was very nice to see you both and I'm glad you two are okay," May says to Elena as she engulfs her in a hug.
"I'm glad you're doing well May. I hope the rest of your day goes swell," Elena replies with a smile. Gosh that smile.... STOP IT!
"Bye Peter ! Bye Elena!," she shouts as we open the door to leave.
"Bye!" Elena shouts.
"Bye May! Love you!" I shout and she smiles and signals for me to soon tell Elena how I feel.
I close the door and we start heading towards the elevator.
"Next stop, Harry's place," Elena says as she grabs my hand and starts to rush out of the elevator once the doors open.
I hope I can tell her before it's too late.

HELLO! Sorry for the delay! I was busy and had some writers block on and off so it was a bit hard for me to write some parts.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you think will happen next!
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