Chapter 36

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"Yoooooooooooooooo" Zee says looking over at me from the other couch.

I giggle, we just smoke two blunts and are higher than Neil Armstrongs step for man kind.

"What?" I laugh licking my dry lips.

"I want like, I um- I" she stuttered then gave up laughing loudly.

"Let's just go do something" I say

She gasped, "that's what I was gonna say" she laughed excitedly.

"Let's go on a mission" I say checking the time, it's half past midnight Mani has Isaac tonight so why not.

"Lit lets go" she says getting up, she slides on my black and white high top vans and I put on my white ones.

"Yo lets like I don't know" she laughs.

"Let's fuckin skate board" I reply walking too the closet and pulling my long board out.

"You have a skate board?, your so gay" she laughs.

"I gotta penny board too" I pull it out.

"Your lucky I was a band wagon ass bitch and know how to skate board" she says grabbing it.

I chuckle for no reason, I can't help but laugh right now.

"Ight let's go" She says opening my front door, I follow locking the door and unlocking my car.

We climb inside and sit there for a second then look at each other.

"What were we doing again?" I ask siting back in my seat.

She shrugs knocking on the window then rolling it down.

She makes a static noise looking out at no one, "mam I saw you swerve back there and wonder if you have had anything too drink tonight" she says lowering her voice.

"No nigga" she laughs rolling the window back up,  her and I both crack up laughing at this , until she opens the door and snatches her self out of the car onto the floor.

"Resisting arrest!", don't make me get the taser" she yells dragging her self on the floor kicking the air.

"Police brutality" she yells getting up and running down the street until she stopped and started shaking like she was being tasered.

Im wheezing for air at this point as she puts non existent hand cuffs on herself pushing her self over into my car, until last second she ducked taking off back down the street.

I wheezed loudly as tears streamed down my face, she's the only person who can make me laugh this hard.

I see her run back with one shoe in her hand and stretched out ass shirt.

She jumps in the car shutting and locking the doors, I fall into the coughing fit clutching my chest, this bitch is always making me laugh this hard.

"Fuck the police" she says grabbing my keys and starting the car.

"What the fuck is this shit, this the best weed I've ever had" I laugh.

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