Chapter 5

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I woke up in Lauren's bed, I had on my volleyball shorts and a Long tee shirt, I had nothing on under neath, I remembered Lauren wanting me too take her too get her cast off today, I didn't want to go home so she let me wash my things.

I groaned stretching out, Lauren wasn't underneath me anymore, she was fully dressed sitting at the edge of the bed playing video games, she had on black ripped jeans with and oversized white shirt she had on a black beanie and I couldn't see her feet but I know she looked good.

I flipped my head too the other side about to go back too sleep, she turned around, "no you don't, get up" she said climbing back into bed with me, I flipped over onto her nuzzling my neck Into hers then putting my leg in between hers. "Get up" she said sternly, "Mmm, mmm"

I said , "please" she said in a child like voice. I didn't respond just hugged her tightly, I sighed and attempted to get up, "no" I whined pulling her back down, "come on, I want to be able to play the next game". I sighed letting her go, "when is it?" I asked stretching, "Saturday", "you know it Wednesday right".

"Never say never" she said poking my nose, I grabbed my nose, "i didn't say never". She threw me a towel, I got up walking towards the bathroom, I pulled down the ny shorts that were riding up, "do you have anything except for all spice?", I turned around and caught her staring at my ass bitting her lip. She quickly looked at my eyes,

"um what?" She said blushing wildly, "soap?" I said giggling, she got up walking to the bathroom, I stopped her with my mouth hanging open, "your walking", she smiled walking past me, she handed me a half empty bottle of dove, she doesn't use dove so I was highly confused too who's it was.

"Who's is this?", I asked suddenly, "Lucy's" she said clenching her jaw, "who exactly is Lucy?" I said crossing my arms. She cringed, "technically, she's my girlfriend,but she cheated on me and I plan to breakup with her". I could tell she was trying read me, "okay" I said without a care in the world, "wait okay? Just like that?, your not mad or upset?",

I chuckled, "no why would I be?" I said walking in the bathroom, "umm no reason" she said disappointed, I walked into the bathroom, of course I was pissed, I knew there was something, she was athletic educated she had her own house and was living lavishly, but she has a fucking girlfriend.

Lauren's pov
I was playing call of duty advanced warfare when the door swung open, all the steam from the shower, out walked the Beaty herself, I swear she got prettier every time I saw her

, all the steam cleared I then saw she only had on dark red panties and a matching bra, I started her delicious chocolate body up and down very slowly, from her thick full thighs up to her plump ass to her glistening belly button ring I bit my lip hard at her nipple piercings the way her full chest sat in her bra, I was drooling over her, she creaked a smirk I quickly turned my mattention back too the tv.

I was into the game not losing focus, she walked right in front of me struggling to get her jeans over her ass, she turned around and started talking but I couldn't hear make out what she was saying as my focus was on the tv, she snapped in front of my face, "lo lo?" she said. "Hum" I said never taking my eyes off the screen,

she started talking again but I didn't focus on what she was saying, she gave up and walked out of my site. The round ended with a victory. She called my name again, "hum?" I said again, "let me wear your sweatshirt" she whined, I took it off handing it too her. "Happy now?" I asked. She gave me a big smile after she put it over her head. "Are you ready?" I asked after another 15 minutes of sitting there playing my Xbox.

She nodded, I got up walking towards to the door, I grabbed my shoes limping  towards the stairs she came up behind and wrapped her arm around my torso putting mine around her shoulder, she helped me down the stairs then took my shoe from me,

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