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Thank Cherrybomb1018 😌😌


When I heard those words my heart started beating so fast, my jaw was on the floor, my eyes remind wide.

"What's wrong" Z asks, setting her glove down on the bench next too me.

"Mani- she's, she's in labor" I say still sitting there processing everything.

"Come on get the lead out!" She says before quickly starting too pack all our stuff up.

I shuffle pulling my cleats off and throwing on my slides.

It's the middle of the 3rd inning and were up 12 but for my baby Mani and my baby ill leave anywhere.

Our coach starts talking too us but all I can do is shove any and everything in my bag.

"You can just leave in the middle of a game" he yells

"I'm sorry, my wife she's in labor" I explained throwing my bag over my shoulder.

He paused for a second stocking his beard, "you two will be doing stadiums and suicides till that babies 18" he says, I was already running too the car by the time he finished, I threw everything in my trunk before jumping the driver seat.

Z wasn't even sitting down all the way before I was backing out,

"Bro, your gonna be a daddy again" she smiles excitedly, I can't even deal I'm tearing up the free way.

"What the fuck, she's two weeks early" I say taking deep breaths.

"Oh my god, my baby my daughter she's coming, my princess" I weave through traffic like a manic.

Zendaya laughs, Face Timing Dinah.

"Hey baby" she smiles.

"Where are you guys, Isaac is freaking out right now"she says.

"We're like 2 minutes out, Lauren's trying too kills us" she refers too my driving.

"Is she okay, where's Mani?" I ask.

She's going pee for the tenth time, she's okay, she's 3 centimeters dilated and high as fuck off epidural" Dinah laughs.

Before I know it Isaacs on the screen.

"Momma, mommy she was hurt and rubbing her tummy, bella hurting her" he says frantically.

"She's okay buddy, I'm on my way" I replied swerving into the parking lot.

"Lauren, you Gonna fucking kill us" Z says grasping the dash board.

"Don't be such a pussy" I replied, screeching into two parking spaces.

Hoping out the car I hurry in too the front desk.

"Umm, where is labor and delivery?" I ask nervously.

"3rd floor" she smiles pointing toward the elevator,

I wipe the sweat from my for head before heading toward the elevator.

I take many deep breaths twisting my wedding ring around nervously.

"What I thought you were ready too have another one" she laughs.

"I don't know, I liked pregnant wifey, the one who needed me too do everything for her" I say.

"Your a scub" Z laughs looking down at her engagement ring.

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