project x

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Calm down, calm down! I shouted inside my head frantically. My heart speeding. My chest aching from the pain of my heavily beating heart. "Its okay it's okay!" I qisperd only to myself shifting on the uncomfortable cold tiled floor. "Stop it Stop it!" I screeched loudly holding my head tightly with one hand. My other beating down on the hard floor. "Tell us what you see project X. The walls echoed as I complied. "Paper paper I need paper and and a pencil!" I yelled hurriedly. Just as my cry was dinnaly heard in the small confined space the door opened a mean looking guard dropped a my sketch book and a pink pencil. I hate pink. My thought was momentarily fought off as the ringing came back. I furiously grabbed the pencil as I flipped quickly and harshly. It was a mighty surprise that none tore off or ripped any. Then again I am weak. I vigorously sketched not even clearly focused on the picture I closed my eyes tightly trying to focus on it. It was like I was racing through my ringing head trying to grasp my vision. Finally I did and carefully but quickly sketched it. I stopped and glances at my picture. What was there horrified me. I was glad right then and there I didn't puke up blood. The ringing worsend as I cried for them to stop they didn't. It grew louder and more painful, right when my pain began to dull. But they didn't stop and they took my sketch book and pencil. "Im sorry." "You lied!!" I cried shaking violently. They lied. How do I make this pain Stop!? I had ponderd in my head. I complatated smashing my head o  the floor. Of course no one was around anymore now. Everyone clocked off. No I thought meekly. Hang on to your sanity. But I knew it wouldn't last. I knew why they were doing this. Hello I am project x or patient 34678. No there are not that many of us. That's just my number. I am part of a project called project black wing. You might be think well they aren't that cruel are they? No.. well not inetiolly. But new people new rules. And I am the last one shot is still here. I was only 4 when they came and took me. I have a photographic memory but I had amnesia. But I also have something else that inclines me to forget things. But good this my photographic memory comes back to me when I have a episode. They call it episode wierd Yes? But the problem is it takes a few days for me to get it back. But it usually doesn't happen. I am here becouse because I have visions of the future and last. And I feel what others feel. Are you getting This? So I had been here practically my whole life. So i didn't know really anything about the outside world at the time. I'm shy and usually don't talk. But I warm up to people. I miss the nice people that were here were yes. Not anymore. I wasn't sure what most words meant and I didn't know how to read. And I wasn't sure if there were really others like me. As I passed out from the pain the universe whispers things on to my ear. And I drifted off with a readable aching headache.

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