
I watched the sun set and sighed. I couldn't get the writing out of my mind. He will get to you, soon. I shuddered.

Telling my parents is not an option. They would triple the security and stick even more guards wherever I go. But I need to tell someone and at the moment, the only person I could tell is Jace.

'Can you come? I need to talk to you.' I typed and hit the send button.

'On my way.' He texted back.

In a matter of seconds, I heard a knock and the opening of a door.

"What's wrong?" He came near, worry evident on his face. I remained silent. He furrowed his eyebrows grasping my arm and turning me around.

"Aya, I know you and I know when something is wrong. Spill it." He growled. Jace doesn't like it when I hid things from him. By looking into my eyes, he knows when I'm lying and when I'm telling the truth. I took a deep breath.

"Someone put this on my nightstand yesterday." I handed him the paper. I knew what was coming. He stiffened, eyes turning into a darker shade of green. His knuckles turned white and I knew he was trying to control his wolf. For a moment, I swear I saw a flash of terror but it was soon gone.

"Jace, look at me. It can be some sort of joke." I tried calming him down.

"Why didn't you tell me before? Aya, this is not a game. Someone is after you and this," He held the paper up "is a threat." He rubbed his forehead contemplating what to do.

"We need to tell your parents." Opening my mouth to protest, I quickly shut it upon seeing his murderous glare.

"This is not negotiable." He snapped and dragged me out of my room and down the hall.


I sat in silence as my parents paced the room. My father has already doubled security, assigning even more guards than before. Everyone was frantic and dealt with the paper as some sort of national threat.

Jace sat right across from me and looked deep in thought. I replayed our conversation earlier spotting the significant change of behavior. His concern lately has caught me off guard.

"Aya, you are to be escorted by guards wherever you go and no buts young lady." My father's voice was authoritative and I knew I had to comply.

"That won't be necessary. I'm going to stay with her. Guards won't be able to protect her if something happens." I nearly choked in my own saliva. Did he just say that?

All eyes turned fixed on him and I saw my dad nodding in agree.

"Are you sure son?" It was king Bryson who intervened. He was just as confused as I was.

"Positive." Jace responded sitting casually in his chair.

"Well then it's settled. And Jace, thank you. Now I'm definite that my daughter is in safe hands." Father's eyes were grateful and better yet, relieved.

As soon and my father dismissed us, I trudged out of the room. I should have never told Jace. It was supposed to stay between us not for the whole castle to know.

But he did this to protect me. The logical part of me argued. On one hand, I wanted to punch him but on the other, I wanted to jump right into his arms. The good thing is that Jace will practically be my guard twenty-four seven so I get to see him every single day.

Feeling Jace right behind me, I mentally rolled my eyes. He sure doesn't waste any time.

"So, now you're my guardian?" I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face him.

"Something like that. I can't leave you all alone, Aya." The way he said my name made me shiver. He seemed to take notice and smirked getting closer.

"But why do you want to stay with me?" I tried keeping a steady breath. He stood in front of me, barely any space between us anymore. I fixed my eyes on his hoping they won't trail down to his lips.

"To protect you." He answered short. Something flickered in his eyes but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Guards can protect me. Now tell me why are you doing this." I straightened myself, daring him. He leaned forward, his lips so close to my cheek and whispered.

"Patience love, everything in the right time." With that, he disappeared into the castle's hallways, leaving me wondering what in the world just happened. 

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