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Abby and Rhonda stood at the window, shocked by Henry's crazed departure.

"What just happened?" asked Rhonda.

"I don't know," Abby said, still bewildered. "He's never done anything like that before."

"Do you think it's possible that—" Rhonda stopped, seemingly afraid to finish the sentence.

Abby met her troubled gaze. "We have to find him."

She grabbed his leash and headed out the door.

"Where might he go?" Rhonda asked as she followed.

"I don't know. I usually take him to the park. Let's go there."


Two hours later they were back in her apartment, and Abby was pacing in frustration. They had gone around the block and to the park, searching and shouting his name. He was nowhere to be seen.

"I don't understand," Abby wailed. "Why would he bolt like that? Am I a bad dog mom? Did we scare him?"

Rhonda opened her mouth, and hesitated.

Abby noticed. "You have an idea?"

Rhonda seemed about to speak, but shook her head vigorously instead. She cleared her throat. "Tomorrow we'll go to the dog shelter. We'll see if he got picked up, and if not, we can report him lost."

Abby wrung her hands. "Okay." What else could they do?


The following morning, she was up early. She wandered around her apartment, hoping against hope that Henry might have found his way back home. She had left the window open on purpose, just in case.

But no Henry.

She thought back to last night again, trying to go over every detail. What could have spooked Henry? Could it be he was psychotic? Her aunt Greta once had a snowy white cat with gorgeous blue eyes. It was beautiful, but crazy. It would be sitting on a table one moment, casually cleaning its paws, and then for no apparent reason it would bolt and rampage around the room in violent, claw-filled circles, only to settle down again by the window. Was that what happened to Henry?

At long last, Rhonda arrived as promised and they both went to the shelter where Abby had adopted Henry. Rhonda drove, mostly because she couldn't stand Abby's old car. Even though they used to share it.

Abby noticed her friend glance at her a few times, looking worried. "I'm okay," she assured. "I'm not going to have a crying fit or anything." She'd only had him for a couple weeks. Secondly... his behavior was kind of eerie. The way he seemed to understand every word she said, the way he looked at her in the bathroom. It was unsettling.

They finally arrived and Abby headed straight for the front office. She found Ruth there again, looking as stern as ever, shuffling papers and flipping her sensible, blond ponytail back and forth as her head turned. She looked up as Abby approached. Her eyes didn't look as tired as the last time, probably because the day had just started.

"How can I help you?" she asked, not recognizing Abby.

"Hi, I'm the one who adopted Henry-"

"Oh yes!" Ruth exclaimed, recognition finally lighting her eyes. "I remember now. You really saved that dog's life. I didn't think he had a chance."

"Yes, well, I'm hoping to save it again."

"Oh?" Ruth's smile disappeared. She peered at Abby for answers and then looked at Rhonda. "What's happened?"

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