I'm Not Insane...

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 - - - Sitting in the corner of Room 604, in this asylum, I remain. But, I’m not insane. Why don’t they get it? I’m not insane, I’m not! Since the first day of my 180 in here, I’ve been counting down. What’s today? Well, I’m glad you asked. Today, is Day 180. I’m being released today, finally. Finally free.

            I hear the door begin to unlock and quickly jump up to place myself back on the wheelchair. Dr. Leo walks in and greets me before pulling my chair out of the room. Finally! It’s been months that I’ve been living in there, and for no valid reason. I’m not insane! Why must they think I’m insane?!

            Dr. Leo rolls me in the chair passed several other occupied patient’s rooms. I glance at most of them while passing, and, they all look normal. Why must they be placed into an insane asylum? Why must they be seen as insane?!

            He eventually pulls me down a hallway which I’ve never been before and stops at the way’s end. At first, it seemed there were no rooms or doors in this hall, but as Dr. Leo leaves for a bit, leaving only a latch fastening my lap to the seat, I look towards my right and see an open door with a patient sitting on a hospital’s bed.

            Seeming to be a boy, the patient’s skin, is a pale yellow; his eyes have dark — unnaturally DARK — bags under them; and his hair, a dirty blonde, curls down to his shoulders. I gaze at him while he just blankly stares at the wall he’s facing. He unexpectedly turns his head toward the doorway, and, sees me. We make eye contact now. Why, he doesn’t look insane at all. I look forward and notice I’m in front of a set of doors at the end of the hall. Above them, reads a sign; EXITI… maybe…

            I turn back towards him and see him beginning to shiver. Poor thing; he must be so scared. I… I need to save him. I need to. I need to save him. I look at the exit doors and back at him. I know I can’t save myself… I need to save him. I need… maybe…

            Unfastening the latch, I speed-walk into the doorway. “OW!” I yelp, just after colliding into, what seems to be, a glass surface blocking my entrance in order to save the boy. No… no… no… NO NO NO! I need to, I NEED to save him, I NEED TO SAVE THEM ALL! Immediately, I lift the wheelchair  and force it onto the glass. The surface moves forward. I force it again. It moves forward. Why won’t it shatter?

            I lift the chair and I continue hitting. I scream and I shout, “I’LL SAVE YOU! I’LL SAVE YOU DON’T WORRY!” while the boy just sits there, calm and still, just glaring at me. I pause and I feel the warm water from my eyes slide under my hospital gown turning cold all the way down to my feet. Why won’t it SHATTER?!

            I try again. This time, I don’t stop; I won’t; I can’t; he doesn’t deserve this, none of them deserve this! I pull the wheelchair over my head and slam the glass surface — bang, Bang, BAng, BANg, BANG BANG — pieces of the chair begin breaking off, but I continue; I have to save him — BANG BANG B— … and just as it seems I only needed one more hit to break it completely, I feel their grip on my shoulders and waste.

            They caught me.

            It’s too late.

            I scream, I shout, I pull, but the doctors won’t let go! I bite one of their arms, they won’t let go! “LET GO!” I cry out, my eyes balling with tears. They force me onto the wheeled hospital bed of which two other doctors, one on each side, are holding in place. I kick, and they hold my legs. I scream out “IT’S NOT FAIR! HE’S NOT INSANE YOU ALL ARE SICK! HE’S NORMAL, WE’RE ALL NORMAL, CAN’T YOU SEE?!” as they lock all my body onto the bed. I become silent, tears streaming down the sides of my face onto the bed-sheet, and turn my head to the right as I feel the doctors rolling the bed back out of the hall. All I see, is a crushed, broken, destroyed, hospital wall. - - -

            I am here now, writing this, in the corner of Room 604, in this asylum. I’m not insane… I’m not…

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2014 ⏰

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