You're under arrest

Start from the beginning

It was only now that they looked up to see their surroundings. Many others ghosts floated next to the white one. These were green and held up high tech guns. A big building could be seen behind the ghosts.

It was big and scary. It looked like a prison.

Tucker bit his lip. This is not good. This is not good.

Maddie frowned. Tears still stuck on her cheeks. "Who are you?"

The ghost smirked, as if he was happy for the question. "My name is Walker. Know it, fear it, obey it." He leaned forward.

Maddie knew this ghost was bad news. She stood up and balled her fists. "What do you want."

"You are humans. In the Ghost Zone. That goes against the rules. And I value my rules a lot."

Richard jumped up. "Well screw the rules!" And he tried to run to the ship but a guard grabbed his arm.

The others realized what he was trying. They quickly got themselves up and ran to the safe haven. All except Sam, Tucker and the Fentons. They couldn't leave Danny.

Valerie was still in 'every man on his own' kind of lifestyle.

They didn't get far. Because Walker had figured they would try that and surrounded the group.

They were still too far from the filters for the ghosts to notice.

They rounded the group back together like a herd of sheep.

Walker stood before them. "You didn't think it would be that easy, did you."

Chelsea shrugged. "We kind of did."

The warden laughed. "You might find it harder than you think to escape me. Impossible practically." Then he looked at Danny. He scowled. "Besides. That punk owes me a few centuries in prison."

There were gasps. Danny had been in prison?

Andrew cocked his head. "So someone did escape your prison." Sheldon nudged him, a silent beg to shut up.

Andrew, as always, didn't listen. He gestured at the halfa. "Danny did. And many times, I would guess."

This new piece of information shook the group even more. They were learning new things about Danny in every passing second.

Walker clenched his jaw. "He did. To the point that his years in prison are too long, even for a ghost. I shall have to change his punishment to make sure he never escapes again." He chuckled. "This is my favorite part of the job."

Dash frowned. "What is he going to do," he whispered to Kwan, who shrugged.

Andrew was pale. "He's going to execute Danny."

Walker gestured towards a few guards. "Take the humans to the cells. Confiscate the ship too."

The people struggled as they were dragged away. Two guards ripped Danny away from the arms of his mother and she jumped forward. "No!! Leave my baby alone, you monstrous...evil...pieces of...I hope you rot...wait till I get my hands on you.."

A gun produced from her forearm and she pointed it at the ghosts, completely enraged.

The students quickly got out of the way. Never take a child away from its mother. Especially if that mother is Maddie Fenton.

She shot and a ghost was pushed backwards.

Jack jumped up next to her and they rained shots on the ghosts.

"You mess with our son, you'll have to deal with us, you putrid scumbags."

The adolescents looked on as the furious parents fought the guards expertly. They had never seen so much precision in their attack. They had certainly not expected it from Jack.

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