Chapter 6: This Is Not the Kind of Show I Had In Mind

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Have you ever had a moment where you felt like the air was so thick with tension that you felt like an asthmatic? I've had far too many of these moments in life. Like that one time that Emma made dinner for Taylor and Dylan and insisted that I join when I mixed up date night and movie night. Or maybe the time where I caught Holland and Alex making out in my bedroom on my bed. Let me tell ya, that was the worst movie night in the history of best friend movie nights.

I think out of all those moments where I was mentally begging God to put me out of my misery, this has to be the worst one yet.

Ever since we got in to this car, no one has made a peep except for Hazel who is just moments from being punched if she doesn't lay off of my boyfriend.

"Relax," Dylan leans over and whispers in my ear.

"Yeah Carter, don't you know most guys prefer tight girls not uptight." Hazel pipes up in the back.

The whole car bursts into a series of giggles and before I can blink I have a fistful of Hazel's hair in my hands. Growls emerge from Will and Jason, only to be returned by Dylan.

"Someone's testy. Though I do prefer it when it's Dylan grabbing my hair." Hazel winks at me.

I yank even harder at her hair, making her cry out.

"Guys! For Pete's sake we're here. Get out before you kill each other." Alice readjusts her messy bun of red hair and exits the car.

I release my fistful of dirty blonde hair and exit the car before I get convinced of my first felony.

I follow the freshly made tracks in the snow.

"I'm not seeing any cabin?" I wonder aloud.

"Turn right at the pond." Tess points.

Whoa. For a "cabin in the woods" this is pretty extravagant.

"Deborah! Wonderful to see you again!" Will greets the maid waiting at the door.

"Ah! Mr. Will! How is your father?" A thick Spanish accent emerges from this very small woman.

"He's well! He sends his regards." Will embraces her in a hug.

Soon all of the kids take their turns embracing this woman.

"Who's this?! New adoption children?"

I put on a friendly smile. "I'm Carter, Jace's child from his first marriage. This is Dylan, my boyfriend."

"Oh! Right, right! Mr. Jace told me that daughter would be coming! Come in, come in! Make self comfortable!"

I look at Dylan with shock. Finally some hospitality around here.

"Kids' rooms are labeled. You two want to share room or no?"

Dylan nods excitedly.

"Children these days. Your room is upstairs to the left."

"Thank you Deb." I smile as Dylan and I head upstairs.


I wake the next morning and look down at my snoring sunshine.

I swear Carter will forever deny the fact that she snores just ever so slightly when she's really exhausted.

I move my hand to sweep away a few stray hairs obstructing my few of her face. She's beautiful.

She crinkles her nose a bit and groans as a hair tickles her nose. I chuckle lightly, careful not to wake her.

"I love you." I whisper to her, pulling her slightly closer to me.

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