"What?" She questions, eyeing me warily.

I shake my head, leaning my elbows on the table. "Nothing."

Regular POV

I spend my entire day with Morgan. Just Morgan. We never rejoined the group nor did we return to the hotel until much later in the day. My body and mind exhausted from our last stop on the way back, a boat ride that we had stumbled upon.

Apparently it was a popular spot for people to visit because the boat had been at maximum capacity. So much so that I had had to sit on Morgan's knee for the last leg of the tour because I was beginning to feel claustrophobic between his big body and that of the man on my other side. It made Morgan incredibly nervous to have me out of my seat and his arms had been tight around my waist, pulling me flush against him.

"I'll be your seatbelt if you won't sit in your damn seat," he had grumbled at me and I hadn't said anything back, too content with my new seatbelt to complain.

"Did you want to go out to eat with us all tonight? Mason is coming too," Morgan asks as we step into the elevator.

"Where?" I ask.

"I don't know what it's called, we go every time we come to Pittsburgh. It's one of the taller buildings downtown, has a lot of different restaurants inside it and a nightclub, obviously we aren't going to the nightclub part," he says pressing the button to my floor and then his. I wrinkle my nose at the thought of leaving him in the elevator.

"Yeah, alright," I nod.

"Great, I'll come get you before we leave around seven," he says and too soon the elevator door opens to my stop.

"Okay," I sigh and give him one last longing look when he's not looking. "I'll see you in a little bit."

"Soon," he says and I hear a faint hint of the same tone I had used.

I enter my hotel room and notice that a maid must have been through and I'm thankful. I hadn't wanted to make the bed that I had shared with Nick last night, I was half hoping they had changed the sheets even.

Based off of Morgan's very poor description of where we were going, I take a stab in the dark to guess that the restaurant they want to go to is on the nicer side. So, I take to doing my hair in a bit nicer style, the wind from the boat had really done a number on my braids. I slip my shirt off and step in front of the mirror, unbraiding the strands slowly and carefully. Goosebumps spread across my skin as lose strands flow down my back in waves.

Deciding that the completely down do isn't good enough, I start pining strands in an order of disarray, leaving most of the tendrils lose but giving myself a bit more volume. I still have an hour but I spread out my suitcase on the bed. I had planned for business casual only so my options are extremely limited.

Luckily I had thrown in a pair of black jeans that could fit the roll of business but tight enough that if I moved my hips just right would scream 'look at me!' I pull them on and walk back and forth before my pile of clothes sprawled across the bed. Only one piece of clothing keeps drawing my attention but it's a silk sleeping top.

Taking a chance, I slip it over my head and give myself a second to revel at the feel of silk against my skin, like water dancing. The back is way too low cut to be considered anything but trashy by most opinionated people in society. To me, it would be okay but I'm not really in the mood to be scolded by older ladies or sneered over like a piece of meat by middle aged white men who would say I was asking for it.

Morgan Rielly ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now