Jack Who?

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DESPITE THINKING THAT SANDMAN had left, he really didn’t. He had spotted Jack from afar with a girl whose hair was as white as snow – or, like his. Sandman would mistake them as siblings if he hadn’t known better. Unfortunately, Sandman recognized the girl and she was surely identified as the Queen of Arendelle. She wasn’t supposed to be out at this time – especially on this night when Jack Frost was known to sit on the hill alone and watch over Arendelle as everybody slept serenely, after Sandman visited briefly to put everybody to sleep with his Dream Sand.

It was odd that Jack would do that considering the fact that he didn’t seem like the one to be patient and sit for a whole night alone and not disturb anybody with his cryokinetic powers he found so useful in annoying people with. Jack practically cursed them for not knowing him, but it was not his fault because Tsar Lunar (otherwise known as the Man in the Moon) decided his fate and there was no going back whether he liked it or not.

  Jack had a short temper, and when people pushed his buttons he was very unforgiving. Sandy hid behind a tree, quietly observing them. It was hard for him to properly hide considering the fact that it was completely dark and he was sticking out like a sore thumb due to how he glowed in the dark. When Jack stormed off, Sandy knew that he had messed up with Elsa. The next thing that happened when she was alone was easily guessed: Sandy put her to sleep and brought her back to the castle – but of course, struggled a bit because she was heavy. He managed.

  The next morning, Elsa woke up to think that it was all a dream. She barely remembered anything, but only had a vague feeling she had met somebody new. He was lonely, and she could tell. She remembered white hair and fair skin, blue-ish lips and lovely blue eyes that had a hint of sadness in it that you couldn’t notice unless you looked close enough – and she obviously did. The other thing she remembered was that she felt as if he was like the dark – he was an unread mystery waiting to be revealed as the others cowered away because they were too afraid. But Elsa was different; she wanted to figure out what was the secret that he hides underneath that careless boy façade. She promised herself that right before Sandy put her to sleep, but she can’t remember it now.

  Unfortunately, Jack has a bad memory too since he can’t remember his life before . . . well, this. He didn’t even know if he had a life before this.

  Elsa woke up reluctantly because she didn’t feel like being bothered and she was not a morning person but Anna obviously had other plans. “Good morning, El!” Anna had exclaimed as she opened up the curtained and sunlight streamed in. Little scintillas of dust were visible in the air and for only a brief moment, a memory had come up out of nowhere. She saw glowing gold dust and a boy, but it was gone quicker than you could say Shut up, Anna.

  She took a moment to react to Anna shaking her out of her small moment of reverie, and said, “Thank you for waking me up.”

  “Why thank you?” Anna was confused. “You always tell me to get out when I wake you up.”

  “Yeah, but –”

  “Oh my god!” Anna gasped and checked Elsa’s temperature, “Are you sick? Did something happen?”

  Elsa pondered for a moment before slapping away Anna’s hand and getting out of bed. She didn’t know what that something even was. Put into a list, she remembered at least three things: 1) skin as pale as snow that held a 2) vague, familiar scent of frozen fruit that had been left out in the midst of winter and 3) somebody who held a secret thought to be so big he kept his distance from the world. She remembered it but yet she didn’t because your mind likes to play tricks on you – take away your memory until the very end of your life. But, in this case, it was not her mind. It was something that resembled much of a memory block that had been put there by a certain man who lived in the moon.

  That man regretted his decision, but it was only for a good cause.

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