The Snow Kids

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After midnight, technically December 25

   IT WAS NOT RARE at all for Elsa to sneak outside the castle late at night when all the current residents of Arendelle were asleep, but it was also only when something was bothering her. She walked out the gates of the castle cautiously, hoping nobody would see her ? especially the guards. There was an unfortunate moment when she thought she was going to be caught by the guards that roamed the streets on the night shift who found the troublemakers or anything that would cause suspicion. They were told not let either Elsa or Anna go out on their own unless they were under supervision and Elsa wouldn't mind somebody watching over her in case something dangerous happened but she didn't really want to be with anybody right now.

  Just as she was about to walk around the corner of a shop, there were guards who were walking toward where she was. Elsa panicked and looked around; she quickly hid behind a wooden box in the alleyway between the two shops. If they saw her they would ask why she's outside at this ungodly hour, and she sure didn't want to answer that. There was a tingling sensation in her hands, and she mumbled an "oh no," knowing what that meant. Despite the cold weather, the little traces of ice on the wall created by her cryokinetic powers were easily detectable. She put her hands in front of her, not knowing what to do with them. She held her hands together and wrapped a part of her dress around it. But, the downside to that was that it was freezing her dress.

  There was a faint smell of fresh apples and various kinds of fruits next to her. She acknowledged it for the sake of not being caught, and tried to focus on it rather than her own nervousness. Strawberries, apples, she thought of anything that reminded her of summer and anything happy instead of thinking that there were guards that could see her and take her back to the castle. More than ten minutes passed.

  "Pretty sure they went the other way, Elsa." An unfamiliar voice said. Elsa jumped, looking towards the source of the voice. Up on the roof of the shop to her right was a boy around her age; pale, icy blue eyes, and the oddest thing about him was his hair. It blew in the wind, curling a bit where it touched his collar. His hair was silver?just like her hair?and it seemed as if he was a man in his sixties and not around nineteen. He was surprised just as she for a moment, muttering something she didn’t catch.

  "Who are you and how do you know my name?" Elsa asked, not panicked but curious about whom this mysterious boy was.

  "You're the Queen of Arendelle. I'm pretty sure everybody knows your name." He smirked, adjusting the blue hoodie he wore covered in snow.

  Elsa crossed her arms, her eyebrows furrowed in thought as she eyed the stranger, “You didn’t answer my first question.”

  “You answer my question.”

  “What question?”

  He sighed, and suddenly with a swift movement was atop his staff and onto the ground. Elsa’s eyes widened in amazement. This surely was not real! He shouldn’t be able to stand on it – but, then again, she was able to use cryokinesis. He jumped off of it, and landed on the ground holding the staff in the air. She was in shock for a moment, but quickly gained her composure and said, “Show off, much?”

  “Would you like to see the lights?” He asked.


  “Would you like to see the lights?” He asked once again.

  Elsa was dumbfounded. What were the lights supposed to be? She was curious so she nodded.

  A playful, childish grin spread across the boy’s face and said, “Try to catch up.”

  He jumped in the air and flew easily, not looking back. He flew in circles and outside of Arendelle, towards a gigantic hill. Elsa was surprised for a moment, but she quickly was ready to follow after him. Little scintillas of ice formed around her and soon turned into a source of light easily seen in the dark, it started forming thin layers of stairs that she made thick enough so she could stand on. They disintegrated as she stepped on the next stair that appeared out of thin air that went through sublimation. She got closer and closer to the boy who was quick, determined on getting past him. This wasn’t the least bit strange to her which may be a bit strange but everything is a bit strange sometimes.

Elsa was getting quicker by the second and she hadn’t realized it was because of her determination, and a minute later she was past him and grinning madly. She felt giddy, as always when she was close to winning something. The hill was close now, and she would not give up.

  “Hey, Elsa!” The boy shouted and she looked back at him. He was still grinning despite the annoyance that is his hair getting in his face and him most likely losing to Elsa, “Slow down a little, will ya?”

  She giggled and was about to say no but when her foot collided with nothing but air she realized that she wasn’t paying attention to the destination she was so determined to get to just a few seconds ago. Elsa screeched as she fell, nothing to catch her. She tried using her powers, ice formed but she was in shock so it wasn’t functioning properly. Was this really how she was going to die? Of a stupid mistake she made to not pay attention for once and let herself go? She bet her grave will say either CAUSE OF DEATH: FALLING FROM THE SKY or CAUSE OF DEATH: HER OWN STUPIDITY.

  There was the sound of air around her rapidly as she fell. She tried to single out everything and use her powers to save herself but she was too scared. Elsa looked down and saw that she was very, very close to the ground. She thought, please God let Anna, Olaf, and…Sven know I love them – no offense to Kristoff but he’s annoying sometimes.

  She waited for her body to collide with the hard, cold ground as she plummeted to her death but there was never a hard impact and the feeling of her life slipping away that easily. Extremely cold hands wrapped around her waist, and she opened her eyes to see the boy who she still hadn’t learned the name of yet. Elsa was terrified, and the boy took in heavy breaths as they looked into each other’s eyes in understanding. “God,” he said, “You almost gave me a heart attack.”

  The next thing that happened is what he wasn’t expecting. Elsa flung her arms around him and buried her face in his neck, frost beginning to appear on his clothes because of her – not that it was really visible since most of his hoodie had dry ice on it that was stuck on it for a while now and he doubted it would come off. “Thank you.” Elsa said emotionlessly and laughed nervously, her body shaking, “I think it’s fair to say I was closer to a heart attack.”

Love GuardiansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora