41. Chaperoning? Don't mind if I (we) do!

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Mom, Juliana, and Tyla were all crammed in the small hallway bathroom. They were helping Tyla get ready for her date, which was a scary thought.

Some guy was taking my only baby sister out to dinner. I wasn't crazy about this whole situation. My parents were fine with it, so Ty was going to go out tonight anyways. So the only thing I had working in my advantage was scaring the ever living crap outta him when he came to pick her up.

"Robert!" Mom called out from the bathroom.

I quickly went to the scene to see Juliana curling Tyla's hair. My little sis was looking a little too pretty for comfort.

I leaned on the doorframe, grabbing the top of it with my hand. "Yeah, Mom?"

"Zach's mom just called and his little brother is sick. His parents were going to drive them and chaperone their date, so I was wondering if you'd like to do it instead?"

"Uhhh...." I was sorta swinging in and out of the bathroom, still holding onto the frame of the door.

"I'll go with you." Juliana smiled and wrapped Ty's hair around the curling iron. "That is if you want me to."

I cocked my head to the side a minute and just looked at Juliana. Did she just essentially agree to a double date, well, initiate a double date?

"Yeah, sure." I clapped my fist into my open palm. "I'll do it...with Juliana, of course."

I saw Tyla take a deep breath and clench her hands so hard that they turned to that white color.

"Now, Robert, don't embarrass your sister. All you need to do is make sure they don't take things too far. A kiss is fine, by the way."

My eyes widened. No way was that going to be happening. In fact, Juliana was probably going to be sitting in the back with Ty, and the hooligan was going to be in the passenger seat... right where I could keep my eye on him.


I had gone upstairs to freshen up a little bit. I mean, I was going out with the one and only Juliana, even if it was just as us chaperoning my baby sis and her lil boyfriend. As I was walking down the stairs, I was finishing buttoning up my shirt. The doorbell rang, and I b-lined it for the front door.

I answered the door to find a kid on the front porch. Reluctantly, I gestured for him to come in.

"Robert Patterson." I stuck my hand out. "Aka, Tyla's oldest brother that loves his little sister very very very much. Hurt her in any way, and well, I can guarantee ya that it ain't gonna be good."

I saw the kid gulp with eyes as wide as the state of Texas, and he hesitated for a quick minute before reaching out to shake my hand. "I'm Zach Canova..."

"You're planning on paying tonight, right?"

"For Tyla and me? Yes sir."

"Where were you planning on taking her?"

He swallowed again. "Uh... Chick-Fil-A."

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "You're taking my little sister to a fast food joint?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I can't afford much else."

"Dude. You can afford Mama McDoodles. That's where you'll be taking my sis, oh and one more thing, keep your hands off of her and to yourself."

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