How I got here

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"Hey! Sam and Kelsey! Time to get your lazy butts up for school! It's finally Senior year!" A annoying voice screeches in my ear.

"Elena! We're Juniors so stop rubbing it in our faces!" My best friend and twin, Sam, yells at Elena.

"Yeah! Shut up Elena!" I join in.

"Okay! Fine! But you do need to get up! Mom wants us to take one car today." Elena laughs.

I poke my head out of my covers to see Sam already dressed and ready.

"Why are you ready so early?" I ask Sam.

"Well, um...I need to tell you something..."

"What is it??" I ask Sam

"I found my mate, or um husband! I'm moving with Virginia." She says.

"Oh okay...WAIT WHAT! Your 16! And whats a mate?!" I yell at my twin.

"I meant husband and I know I'm only 16 but it's hard to explain." Sam replies anxious.

"Hard to explain?! There's no way mom will let you go!" I exclaim!

"Actually, I talked to her and dad is there..."

"Your leaving me for a boy? I thought we were closer than that...but fine! If the boys more important than me GO!" I reply heart broken and angry.

"No please don't do this, Kelsey. You don't understand...I don't know when I'll see you again..." Sam replies also heart broken.

When I don't reply and began walking out the door Sam talks again "This could be the last time I ever see you unless you change. Just know that I love you twin."

"Until I change? What do I have to change to? I love you too please just tell me." I plead to her.

"I'm sorry, I can't. Trust me, you'll know if you changed. Just tell Mom and you will be joining me in Virginia." She says

"Please! Just tell me!"

"I'm sorry, I have to go. I love you."

I just stand there crying knowing that she just left me.
2 months later:

I walk into the doors and have everybody asking me questions at once. I can't answer everyone's questions at once so I just ignore them and head to my close group of friends.

"Hi guys!" I yell to Amanda and Kira!

"Hi" they scream back.

"Hey, have you heard anything from Sam? We're starting to miss her around here." Amanda asks.

"No..." I sulk.

"Oh, we I'm sure she's fine!" She tries to brighten me back up.

"Yeah!" I say in mock happiness.

Kira just rolls her eyes and mumbles "Sam is such a jerk to just leave like that..."

I just nod because she really is.

"Cmon let's go to class" I say as the 5 minute warning bell rings.

They both just shrugged and we're on our way to gym! Yay!(Notice the sarcasm.)

We go through gym and all if the classes as I normally do and finally it's time to go home.

I meet up with Elena because mom was to sad because of Sam being gone to let me use her car.

"Hey sis!" Elena says chipper! "We're actually having a home ride from Jo!"

"Why do we always have to have a ride home from your boyfriend when I can't drive?" I ask annoyed.

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