Asking For Help

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I sighed as I looked around and spotted Bill sitting in a tree, watching me and my friends. I laughed as a water balloon hit me in the head, bursting and getting me wet.

"HEY!" I called and grabbed a water balloon, tossing it at my friends. They laughed and chuckled. I smiled and looked over at Bill, before laughing as Bill lifted me up. I smiled as I hung over his shoulders, my knees bent and my body looked behind Bill.

"BILL!" I yelled and laughed as Bill spun around a little. I smiled and chuckled. Bill set me down and chuckled.

"Dude, Dipper. Bill is so cool," James said and I felt his little brother lightly tug on my shirt. I looked down at him and smiled up at me.

"What is it?" I asked and kneeled down. Jack hugged me and smiled. I smiled back and chuckled.

"Daddy wants us to head home, James," Jack said and they started to head home. I smiled as the others headed off.

"so.... Everything okay?" Bill asked me. I nodded and looked at him, smiling as he pulled me into a hug. I smiled and returned his hug.

"Bill? Can you help me with something?" I asked, pulling away. Bill nodded and let his smile fade.

"What is is?" he asked. I sighed and pulled out my journal.

"From what I've seen and experienced, this darkness thing that is hurting Peral is...... more like you than anything else. I even recorded it in my journal," I told him and handed my journal to him. Bill read the pages and nodded.

"Yeah. I can help with this. I think..... But we gotta talk to Peral about this darkness," Bill said and quickly grabbed my arm. I closed my eyes and coughed feeling my body get pulled through something. I felt my body hit Bill and looked up at him. I almost choked. Peral was chained up and floating in the darkness, her life barely there. I slowly walked over to her and felt my heart break as I took her hand. Her body was so cold.

"It's like.... She's dead," I said and felt tears grow.

"Come on Dipper. I think we should get back home," Bill said and lightly placed his hands on my shoulders. I sighed and let him pull me slowly back to reality. I sighed and quickly noted Peral's appearance in my journal.

"Why?" I asked and looked at Bill as he sat down next to me. I sighed and carefully lay my head on his shoulder. Bill pulled me close and sighed. I closed my eyes and cried as I wished for a way to help Peral. I cried and cried as Bill held me close, trying his hardest to calm me down.

I can't believe I'm asking an old enemy for help...... I think I might be losing my mind............ No. I'm not. This is important. I can't let Peral die. I just can't, I thought and looked up as Stan, Ford, and Mabel walked over.

"Hey, guys," I said and looked at my sister. She sat down next to me and smiled. I sighed and grabbed my backpack, before standing up and began to walk into the woods.

"Where are you going, Bro-Bro?" Mabel asked. I looked at her.

"I need to talk a walk," I said and kept walking into the woods, stopping when I reached Bill's statue. I sat down in front of it and pulled out an envelope. I looked at it and sighed, before pulling out the letter. I sighed and opened it, sighing. This was the only chance to read this letter from my parents. I sighed and read over the letter, before putting it back in my backpack.

"You okay, Dipper?" Came Bill's voice and I looked up, sighing. Bill walked over and sat down next to me, before sighing and looking at the statue. I smiled lightly and hugged him. Bill smiled and returned my hug.

"I guess you read the letter they sent," he said and I nodded, before sighing and grabbing my journal. I sighed and quickly wrote down a few extra things about "the Darkness". I looked at Bill and smiled. He looked back at me and chuckled. I shook my head as Bill returned to my mindscape, sighing as I put my journal away. I stood up and walked back to the house, before jumping as Mabel ran over. I smiled and looked at her.

"What is it?" I asked, looking at her. Mabel giggled and hugged me tightly.

"Do you want to come with me into town?" she asked and I nodded.

"Any reason to walk around with my sister is enough for me to say yes," I said and smiled as she hugged me again. I returned her hug and followed her. I sighed as Stan walked over and hesitated to hand me the keys to his car. I sighed and took them, smiling at him.

"I won't wreck the car, Grunkle Stan," I told him and carefully climbed into the car, smiling at Mabel. She smiled back and I started the car, before heading into town.

"The town is looking more like a city. More like...... Piedmont," I said, sighing as I parked the car in the parking lot to the mall. Mabel hopped out and chuckled. I followed and chuckled, smiling as Mabel ran into the mall and began to look around. I knew she was trying to find something she wanted to buy. I walked to the creative store and bought a few more journals to write in. I sighed and chuckled as Mabel ran over.

"What did you find, Mabel?" I asked. Mabel shook her head.

"Nothing. I couldn't find what I wanted," She said and I hugged her. I set down my backpack and smiled. I remembered that I had seen a gaming shop nearby.

"I saw a gaming store. Wanna see what games they have?" I asked her and she nodded.

"YES!" She said and took my hand. I grabbed my backpack and followed, before calling to Bill in my head.

"I'll help you, Dipper. Trust me," Bill said and I smiled.

I've finally asked for help. For the first time, I've asked Bill for help, I thought and chuckled.

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