Falling Into Darkness

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I blushed wildly as Bill slowly unbuttoned my shirt and moaned softly as he started to rub my sides.

"Easy PineTree. Calm down," Bill said, smiling as he lightly kissed me on the lips. I felt my body shift as I closed my eyes and returned his kiss. I smiled and blushed as he rubbed my sides again. I blushed and looked away.

"Bill......" I moaned quietly as Bill licked my neck. I blushed wildly as Bill lightly pushed me onto my bed.

"What?" I asked, before yelping and blushing as Bill carefully climbed on top of me. I blushed and looked at the door to my bedroom.

"Don't worry, Dipper. I locked the door. We're together and alone in this room~" Bill said, licking my neck. I blushed and moaned quietly as he licked my neck again. I tried to lightly push him off, only to blush as he tied my arms above my head, to the bedpost. I blushed and squirmed as Bill started to unbuckle my belt.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!? BILL! STOP!" I yelped blushed as he chuckled. I felt him shove a ball shaped item into my mouth, making my sounds become muffled. I squirmed again and blushed as Bill stood up and smiled at me. I saw his eye look over my body. I lifted my head and looked at what he had done. I was shirtless and Bill had left the fly of my pants open. I blushed and looked at him.

"You know. Like that, you look like my sex slave," Bill said, smiling and chuckling as I blushed even more. I squirmed and tried to pull out of my restraints, before blushing as Bill tightened them and climbed on top of me again.

"I should make you my sex slave," Bill said and licked my chest, making me let out muffled moans. I felt Bill's hands brush over my abs and blushed wildly as he chuckled.

"Heh. I know what I want now~," he said, licking my abs, and he slowly moved his hands down near the center of my pants, resting them on my tights. I blushed and squirmed as Bill slowly pulled my pants down. I let out a muffled cry and blushed even more as Bill licked my abs again.

"You are so sweet, Dipper~" Bill whispered to me, smiling as he slowly began to pull down my boxers. I squirmed and looked up as Mabel called my name. Bill snapped his fingers and I was untied, with my clothes on.

"We'll finish later, PineTree," he said, kissing me as I stood up. I blushed and sighed, before kissing Bill on the cheek and heading downstairs. I gasped as Mabel pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, Mabel," I said, smiling at her. She smiled and pulled away, smiling.

"Come on. It's time for dinner," Mabel said, walking into the dining room. I followed and sighed as I sat down in my chair, looking at dinner. I sighed and picked up my fork, almost losing my appetite.

"Dipper? Aren't you hungry?" Ford asked, looking at me. I sighed and shook my head.

"I already had a bit of dinner," I lied, smiling and getting up.

"You guys can... finish eating.... I'll be in my room," I said, feeling sick. I hurried up to the bathroom and shut the door, before walking over to the sink and leaning over it, taking off my hat.

"Easy, PineTree. Don't die," Bill's voice came from behind me. I felt something crawl up my throat and I threw up, coughing as yellowish fluids drained from the sink. I groaned and sighed, feeling like I was almost nothing. Like my body was falling. Falling through the darkness.

"DIPPER!" Bill yelled and everything around me turned back as consciousness left me.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Dipper! Wake up! HEY!" Bill's voice yelled, frantic. He lightly shook Dipper's body and yelled out for Ford to come up.

"GET UP HERE, SIX FINGERS!" he yelled and looked back at Dipper, scared.

"What is it..... Oh no! Dipper!" Ford's voice cried and the others ran up.

"Oh god....." Stan said.

"Bro-Bro?" Mabel asked, near tears.

"He..... threw up..... and..... then.... h-h-he was..... out...... like a.... l-l-l-light!" Bill said through sobs. He cried out loudly and quickly returned to Dipper's mind, trying to wake his friend up.

"DIPPER! PINETREE! WAKE UP!" Bill yelled and cried.

"Don't listen to them Dipper. You aren't waking up. Not anymore. You are falling. Falling into Darkness. You can't recover. You can't go back. You can't see your sister, your uncles, your friends.... Ever again. And you can't go to SEE HER EVER AGAIN!" a voice whispered in Dipper's ear, and a dark shadow loomed over Dipper's falling unconscious body. Within Dipper's mind, there was nothing but darkness. And Dipper falling into this darkness that was now his home. The shadow smiled a wicked smile and arms wrapped lightly around him, like an embrace. But it didn't last.

"You aren't going back home, Mason. You aren't going home, Mason. Not now, Mason. Not ever, Mason. Just trust us, Mason. We'll take care of you, Mason. Trust us, Mason Pines.........."

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