Broken And Sick

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Bill cried and cried, floating in Dipper's mind in his human form.

"Cipher? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Bill looked up as he heard a voice. He sighed as a girl sat down next to him. She had hair as dark of brown as him, and her eyes shivered and glowed a golden-green. Blue-gold shirt, black dress pants, and shining black shoes made her seem like Bill.

"I'm fine, Celaria. I'm fine," Bill said, though more tears began to fall. Celaria shook her head and hugged Bill.

"You aren't okay, Cipher. I know you're upset about what happened to Dipper. Oh please don't cry, brother," Celaria said, trying to calm her brother down. Bill sniffled and sighed, before shaking his head.

"Yeah. I know. It's just........ I can't think. It's not right. This isn't right," Bill said, sighing as he carefully got up. Celaria watched as Bill walked around the Nightmare Realm.

"You can't think that this is real, right?" Bill asked, sighing as he looked at his sister. She sighed and looked at the dark broken ground before her. She was only 20, two years younger than her brother.

"I don't know, Bill," She said, sighing as she was pulled into an embrace.

"I love you, my sweet puppet...... I mean sister," Bill corrected himself, looking away from Celaria. Celaria giggled and hugged him.

"It's okay Bill," She said and smiled at him.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Peral shifted and coughed, tears slowly running down her face as she gasped for air.

"You gotta help her!" Max yelled.

"We can't do anything!" the doctor said and walked away. Peral coughed and gasped for the air that just wouldn't go to her lungs. it didn't take long before she was out cold, trapped in the darkness that had taken over her. That had grasped her life and turned it upside down. The thing that always took her life away from her body.

"You. Just stop! get out of my body! LET ME GO!" Peral screamed and gasped for air as the shadow grabbed her, it's hand wrapped tight around her neck before it left her floating in the darkness as her life energy was stolen from her. The darkness surrounded her and shifted, thinking about who to take next.

"I know who I can take. She's very easy to find too..." It whispered and laughed as its eyes landing on a picture of Celaria and her brother.

"She's just right," it said, laughing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Dipper? Dipper, please wake up. Please bro-bro. Please wake up," Mabel said, begging him to wake up. Dipper's chest slowly rose and fell as he breathed.

"Dipper! YOU GOTTA WAKE UP!" Mabel cried and let her head fall onto the bed.

"Mabel? Are you okay?"  Pacifica asked. Mabel looked up and smiled lightly at her old enemy.

"Hey, Pacifica. What's up?" Mabel asked and wiped her tears away.

"Nothing much. Is Dipper okay?" Pacifica asked, looking at her enemy's brother.

"He's........ He's........" Mabel said, breaking into tears. Pacifica pulled Mabel into a hug. They stayed there for a few minutes before Pacifica smiled and pulled away.

"I've got to go. I hope your brother gets better," she said and walked out of the room.

"Bye," Mabel said and looked at her brother.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Celaria sighed and looked around the world she lived in. She bumped into one Bill's old friends. She sighed and carefully walked to where her brother had been last. But he wasn't there, making Celaria worry a bit.

"Cipher? Cipher, where are you?" Celaria called, looking around.

"BILL!" She cried and shifted as she spotted her brother.

"Bill! You had me so worried!" She said as she ran over to him. She came to a stop as she got close, worried because Bill hadn't responded to her.

"Bill? Are you okay?" she asked, lightly placing her hand on his shoulder.

A scream of terror echoed around the Nightmare Realm as Celaria was stolen away.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

The darkness chuckled and chained its new victim up. It laughed and looked at its victim. The blue vest shifted and waved slightly in the light breeze. The blue and white hat shifted up a little in the breeze and the dark brown hair swayed a little. The darkness smiled and giggled. The laughter grew louder as she began to talk.

"Oh dear, Mason. This is fun. You are mine. You aren't going back. Don't you want to stay with her? Do you really want to leave the darkness and leave her behind too? Just to stay with your family? I'd hate for you to leave me." the darkness said, smiling.

"Dipper...... Help...... us...... Don't listen........ to her............ Please........." Came a soft voice.

"Don't listen to her Mason. She's lying about me. Trust me, Mason. Trust your friend, Mason."

"Don't believe her lies, Dipper..........." Came the soft voice again.

"Believe me, Mason. You are a great friend to me. She's the liar. Trust me and you'll see, Mason." The darkness said, shifted around.

"Never............. Belie-!" the soft voice came to a stop as the darkness drained away the life from her.

"You can believe me, Mason. You can Believe me. YOU CAN BELIEVE ME, MASON. YOU CAN TRUST ME WITH YOUR LIFE AND I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE, MASON. Trust me. I will care for you. Much better than Stan and Ford can. Trust me, Mason."

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