A Walk in the Woods

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I sighed as I slowly made my way outside of the busy Mystery Shack. I poked my head out the doorway and spotted Mabel sitting on the ground, giggling as she played with Waddles. I walked over to her and smiled, before sitting down.

"Hey, Mabel. How are you?" I asked, looking at her. Mabel smiled and pushed me over.

"I'm fine, Dipper. What about you?" She said, looking at me as she smiled. I smiled back and pulled the journal from inside my vest.

"I'm okay. But I'm worried about Bill coming back," I said. Mabel looked at me.

"Dipper! We defeated Bill! We got rid of him! He can't come back," Mabel said, laughing a little. I smiled weakly and looked at the book in my lap.

"I'm gonna take a walk for a bit," I said and stood up, starting to walk into the woods, before looking back at my sister. She was playing with Waddles again and I sighed.

"I know we got rid of Bill and all but. Still. I have a bad feeling about this," I whispered to myself and sighed, before walking off. I looked at the journal in my hands and put it back up, sighing as I sat down in a clearing. I closed my eyes and sighed, clearing my mind a little. Before hearing a familiar voice. I opened my eyes, only to find my mind surrounding me. I looked around before hearing the voice.

"Hello again, PineTree. Nice to see you. Clearing your mind of the bad feeling?" the voice asked. I turned around and growled as I found Bill Cipher floating there.

"You act a lot like an old friend of mine, too," Bill said before turning into his human form.

"You didn't leave. I knew it. I thought you'd be back. I guess I forgot you were already back in my mind," I said, rubbing my neck. Bill walked over to me and smiled.

"Good job at forgetting. Remember the talks we had?" he asked. I looked at him and crossed my arms.

"Yeah. The same ones I started fighting with you," I said, "Just stop it, Bill. It hurts my brain. And talking with you makes me feel sick!"

"Easy now, Dipper. I'm not causing you or your family or your town any harm," Bill said.

"JUST STOP TALKING TO ME AND GET OUT OF MY BRAIN!" I yelled and closed my eyes tight before they flew open. I was breathing heavily and the journal lay on the ground a few steps away. I sighed and calmed my breathing, before getting up and walking over to grab the book. I picked it up and looked up as I heard a sound. I followed it and looked around. I spotted a young girl, picking up a small basket of flowers. I watched as she dropped a few as she started to walk off. I picked up the flowers and walked after her, before spotting her setting down the basket to count the flowers.

"Hey!" I called, jogging over to her and holding the flowers. The girl looked up at me and I kneeled down. I smiled lightly and held up the flowers.

"You dropped them," I said, handing them to her. She smiled and took them back.

"Thank you!" She said, "Um? Who are you?" I smiled weakly and chuckled.

"My name's Dipper Pines. Where are your parents?" I asked, looking around. The girl looked down and sighed.

"I'm out here by myself. I'm trying to get theses flowers for my sister. She's really sick," she said. I smiled at her.

"How about I help you okay? I can carry the basket for you," I said, looking at the basket. The girl nodded and smiled.

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" She cried happily and hugged me. I smiled and returned her hug, chuckling. I carefully picked up the basket, before starting to follow her. I looked at the flowers and smiled.

"Hey. What's your name?" I asked, looking at her. She smiled and pointed to a house.

"My name is Sara," She said, smiling as I set down the basket. A boy came out. He looked like he was a year or two older than me, and he quickly walked over to me and the girl.

"Sara! Where were you?!" He asked, pulling her close. I spotted another girl standing in the doorway to the house before she slowly walked over to us.

"She went to grab me flowers. Remember?" the second girl asked. Sara nodded and sniffled.

"And she brought a friend along too. What's your name?" the other girl asked. I blushed a little and rubbed the back of my neck.

"My name is Dipper Pines. It's nice to meet you," I said, holding out my hand for a handshake.

"My name's Peral. The concerned boy over there is my brother, Max," the second girl said, shaking my hand. I nodded and smiled a bit, before getting worried as Peral started coughing.

"Come on sis. Dipper? Cna you bring in the flowers to help out Sara?" Max asked, looking at me. I nodded and picked up the basket of flowers. I followed them into the house and set down the basket on a small table.

"Thanks. I think you should be heading back to your house, Dipper. We'll see you later," Max said, smiling as he shook my hand. I nodded and headed back out into the woods, walking back to the Shack.

"That was interesting," I whispered to myself.

"Very interesting," Bill's voice echoed in my mind.

"Shut up," I said to myself and him, reaching the front door of the house. I looked to the left and sighed at the Mystery Shack.

"I can't believe we still can't fix that S," I said, smiling a bit at the old shack Stan owned. I shook my head and walked inside, walking into the kitchen. I smiled as I found Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford cooking.

"There's my young man! How are you Dipper?" Ford asked. I smiled at him.

"I'm alright. Have you seen Mabel?" I asked, looking around a bit.

"She's up in her room," Stan said, looking at me. I nodded and headed up to Mabel's room on the second floor. I stopped at her door and sighed, before lightly knocking.

"Mabel?" I asked, leaning lightly against the door. Nothing.

"Please Mabel. I need to talk to you about something."

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