Chap. 6

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:) here ya go peeps. COMMENT X5



As I walked through the woods leading to my trails. I heard cars and shouting. Far off in the distance there were, maybe two dozen lantern lights. They seemed to be getting closer. Even the shouting was getting closer. Even the shouting was getting closer... I hesitated, did I hear my name???

[Far in the ditnce,] (CLESTON!!)

[Screams, atleast a dozen voices.]

 Yupp, that was deffinatly my name.

There's a rustling by me. To the left I hear whispering. It's husshed, high pitched, tones. I strain to hear in the dark, unable to see, I step on a fallen branch. *CRUNCH* The whispering abruptly stops. I crouch down just in time, as they step out into the moonlight. My mind runs through forgotten memories as my eyes search both their faces.

Margret and my grandmother stand infront of me now. Their eyes searching the shadows for the person or thing who snapped the twigg they now stood above.


Margret lets out a heavy sigh as she realizes nobody was there. She had been squizing the reason for Cleston's secrecy out of his grandmother when shuffling had been heard. Geen, his grandmother, was about to crack, and Margret was driven and determined to find the truth.

Despite earlier events that day Margret sobored up from the shocking words Cleston had spoke. Now she stood in the woods where her and Cleston had spent many nights hiking to his trailer. So many memories, and now another. The hunt down of Cleston Sharp. She had went dilerious when he had left, calling everyone when he didn't come back.

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