Chap. 3

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Hey you go folks. The longest chapter I can dish out tonight :D just for you readers!!! spread the word about my story please. I promise no one will be disappointed. Anyways enjoy:


                                               ~Six Years Latter~

  Cleston lived in a small city in McCreary County, Ky called Pine Knot. The city's population wasn't astonishing but decent; with a 1,700. All the houses almost exact, uniform. His grandparents were one of the highly respected people on the block. Everybody would come to them for anything. They were always humble. Cleston swore it was only because of their age.

They were in their 80's and the best grandparents Cleston could ever ask for. Unfortunatly, that's not what they thought about him sure, they love him and all, but Cleston makes it difficult for them. Always starting fires, getting into fights with other neighborhood kids down the street. He used to be the best kid anyone could ask for, but ever since his parent's died he's been devious and complicated. They found it hard to keep up with him.

  Those days he was all into snakes, video games, and climbing trees. It's like he tried to be everywhere at once. When his grandparents tried to put him into therapy he ran. They found him up in a tree over looking his parents grave stones, writing. When he came down, he was determined. Nobody mentioned therapy again.


                                   Cleston ------ 12 years old.

It's been so hard without Mom, and Dad beside me all these years. I've had to learn about girls and puberty from m grandma when it should have been my dad. I'll never know what it's like to go fishing with him. What it's like baing cookies for a girl at school with Mom. Or learn how to defend myself. I could have really used a defense class. Especially with what was about to happen to my face any second now.

  One punch was all it took to lay the kid out after several punches taken to the face. Cleston was tough, but no one had realized just how tough he really was. That's why the neighborhood bullie payed him a visit everyday around four under Cleston's favorite tree. After it was all over and the taunting stopped, the kids getting a good look at his bruised face, they would go on doing whatever they had planned. That day was different.

Cleston never took a hit from anyone, no matter how big they were. It was up to him to keep kids like Bryan, the neighborhood bullie from tormenting other small kids. Not that Cleston was small, but he had been the best target. He was the most vulnerable. In his 12 year old body, he was still a gorgeous Blondie headed, blue eyed boy at 4'6". There was a faint loneliness in those aqua blue eyes for as long as anybody remembers. His grand parents swore it was because of the accident, but Cleston felt, deep in his heart---that it was because of what he did that night and what resulted in it.

Monday morning, Cleston was getting ready in his room. He had just got out of the shower and put on a t-shirt and some loose jeans when he saw a candle on his night stand. It wasn't there before his shower, and somewhere inside him urged to light the light green candle. Cleston focused on just that candle; pushing everything else out of the room. It was like a surge of light came with in him and exploded. It wasn't always like that. Some days it depended on his mood. Others depended on the time of day. Today was starting off good until his parents faces came into view.

The magic inside him became life threatening when this happened. Cleston decided to pull all the now dark energy back, knowing it won't leave till he uses it all.

Grandma Geen: "Cleston, sweetie, are you ready?"

Grandpa David: "She'll be here any minute son."

Cleston: "I'm coming!"

                           Cleston started working towards the stairs as his grandparents waited patiently. Cleston (thinking to himself) : Don't call me 'son' ether. I am NOT  your son.


Time for me to go to bed. exhausted and can't function any more. Promise to upload more tomorrow. hang in there guys! I'm working on it.

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