Part 3- The flaming arrow's mission

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The flaming arrow had thrived in Verana after the war. With more funding from the queen who saw their potential, they recruited more members and had more weapons. They were beginning to look like an army on their own. The group were at their headquarters, specially built on the queen's command, enjoying their free time.
"So, how much have we got left?"
Ryan asked, having set money aside for recruitment advertisement.
"About two hundred and fifty."
Another member replied.
"What?! We had over seven hundred last week!"
Ryan shouted back.
"Yeah, but we had to go and buy arrows a few days ago, remember?"
He suddenly realised that.
"I suppose you're right. So let's go and talk to the Pokemon who makes our posters for us."
Ryan left the building with two other members of the group with a large bag of gold with them. He was proud of what he made- he felt as though he was part of something special, and that he was making a difference. It was like he had another family, and he loved living alongside them.

A few hours later, they were back.
"Alright, the posters are up. Hopefully we can take on some new members."
Ryan said happily, entering the headquarters with the others behind him.
"Ryan, I found something. You might want to look at this."
Ryan looked at a member of the team, holding a note out to him.
"What is it?"
Ryan took and read the note.
"Alright, I'll go. I'll be back as soon as I can be."

He made his way to the queen's castle, wondering why he'd requested him.
"My queen, you requested me?"
He asked, bowing before her.
"Yes, I did. I have an important task for your flaming arrow to carry out. It seems that the inhabitants of the land of Blunder have been causing trouble for nations in our region, and I need you to go and scout the land to see who inhabits the country, and if you can, what their intentions are."
Ryan was a little confused.
"Why not have the Knights do it?"
He asked.
"The knight army is if a very high profile- if whoever residing in Blunder find them on their land, they may mistake it for an invasion. I'll lend you 200 knights to assist you if you should need them- they'll be waiting for your signal on one of our ships. Just fire a volley of arrows into the air and they'll assist you if you find yourself in any danger."
The queen instructed.
"Okay, I think that'll work. I'll report what I find to you at the first opportunity."
Ryan replied.
"Good luck."
Queen Blaze told him before leaving the throne room. Ryan was both excited and nervous. The fact that he'd been given the task showed that the queen trusted him, and this was the first time Ryan and his team had been asked to do something so important. He could hardly wait to get going.

After returning and explaining the plan to his team, Ryan assembled a group of 20 members of the flaming arrow to help him out. That left 37 at the headquarters to administrate while he was gone. After he instructed the 19 other members to prepare and head to the dock, he met with the Knights that would be helping them. He decided to thank them all personally for their assistance. While doing so, he ran into Xavier and Shade.

"Well, if it isn't the famous General Xavier."
Ryan said, smiling and approaching them.
"Ryan! It's been a long time."
Xavier replied, shaking Ryan's paw.
"So you're the one leading the scouting mission today?"
Ryan nodded.
"That's right. I'm excited, but a little nervous."
"Don't be. We've got your back."
Xavier replied.
"Just signal us in and we'll help out."
Xavier smiled reassuringly at him.
"Thanks. That really means a lot."
Ryan told him. He then turned to Shade.
"Wow- look how you've grown!"
Shade smiled modestly.
"What can I say? A lot happens after over a decade."
Ryan nodded in understanding.
"And you have your own weapon. Look at this thing!"
Ryan examined his halberd.
"It looks like it could really tear someone up."
Shade laughed.
"I hope so. That's what I've trained for."
"Yeah, I bet you have. Can I hold it?"
Ryan asked.
"Sure you can."
Shade got to one knee and handed it to him. Ryan struggled to hold it before falling in his back, slightly embarrassed.
"Damn, it's heavy."
Shade picked it up, laughing again.
"Yeah, it is. The heavier the weapon, the more damage it can do."
Ryan nodded.
"Very true. Well, I'll see you later. Thanks for having my back again."
Xavier and shade smiled at him.
"No problem. You come back safely now."
Xavier told him. Ryan walked back to his group, waving as he went.

"Alright, are you all ready to go?"
Ryan asked.
"All ready and accounted for, sir."
One member replied.
"Great. Let's get moving."
Ryan lead the group to the ship, the Knights boarding the ship next to them. Both ships then set course for Blunder, preparing to uncover what secrets its inhabitants held, such as who they were and what they intended to do. Ryan wouldn't leave until he knew, even if they had to beat the answers out of the Pokemon living there. After all, he had a job to do, and he never left a job half done. He'd finish it, no matter the cost.

Imperials Vs. Sentinels 2- a new threat risesWhere stories live. Discover now