Part 1- A growing hero

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After 15 long years, Zorua and Xavier had become closer than ever before, and Xavier saw the little Pokemon as his son. He named him shade, which the Zorua liked the sound of.
"Cmon, shade! Faster!"
The little Pokemon ran as fast as his legs would carry him. He finished soon after, collapsing on the ground and panting for breath.
"Well done, Shade. I'm impressed."
Xavier told him, approaching him.
"Thank you... father..."
Shade replied. Xavier didn't object to Shade calling him father, as he was the reason he did in the first place.

At that moment, a messenger arrived.
"Xavier, the queen wishes to see you."
He told the pair.
"Very well. We shall be there immediately."
Xavier replied.
Shade soon regained his breath and joined Xavier as he made his way to meet the queen.

Queen Blaze sat on her throne, waiting for Xavier to arrive. As usual, Richard stood by her side. Xavier soon arrived and kneeled before her.
"You requested me, my queen?"
He asked.
"I did, but I wish to speak alone with you. Richard, would you kindly take Shade outside?"
Richard nodded.
"As you request. Come on, Shade."
With that, the pair left the room.
"So, why did you request me? And why must we speak alone?"
Xavier asked.
"I want to know whether you told him yet."
The queen replied Sharply.
Xavier replied.
"No, not yet."
"Xavier, come on. He deserves to know and you can't just forget about it. You have to tell him eventually."
Blaze lectured him.
"And I will. I just need to wait for the right moment."
He told her.
"Make sure you tell him, Xavier. That's all for now. You're dismissed."
"Very well, my queen."
Xavier left the room, picking Shade up on his way out.
"What did the queen want to know, father?"
Shade asked.
"I'll tell you when the time is right."
He replied, leading Shade home.

The next day, it finally happened. It had been long anticipated, and during Training, Shade evolved into a Zoroark. Xavier was incredibly proud and excited. Now that shade had evolved, he could start training with real weapons and take his first step into becoming a soldier.

He was still admiring his new form, looking at his whole new appearance.
"You know what? I like it."
He said aloud.
"I would've liked to have been taller, but what can you do."
He joked.
"You? You're a giant compared to me. Use that to your advantage- to enemies of course, not me."
Xavier commented.
Shade chuckled.
"So what now?"
He asked.
Xavier told him.
"You need to follow me."

The pair travelled to the armoury under the Queen's fortress. The guard greeted the pair.
"Welcome. It's been a long time, Xavier."
The guard said.
"Too long."
Xavier replied.
"Now Shade here only recently evolved, and we're here to allow him to choose his weapon."
Shade's eyes lit up.
"Very well. Just a moment."
The guard unlocked the heavy wooden door and opened it. Shade was amazed- every weapon imaginable was on display, expertly forged. It had everything from swords to bows to shields, and Shade had a hard time deciding. After a short while, he picked up a weapon that he just felt suited him. After showing it to Xavier, Xavier smiled.
"A halberd, huh? Interesting, yet fitting. Kneel, shade."
Shade did as he was told, getting down to his knees. Xavier held the halberd, standing over him.
"Before you own the weapon you have selected, you must take an oath to use it responsibly. You must acknowledge that you own this weapon in the name of her majesty and never forget that."
Shade looked up at him.
"I solemnly swear to use this weapon responsibly, in the name of her majesty. I shall remember that and never misuse the weapon I have been gifted."
Xavier nodded.
Shade stood up, still looking at Xavier, who held the halberd out to him.
"I declare this halberd as your possession. As of this moment, it is only yours, and only her majesty has the authority to remove this weapon from your rightful ownership."
Shade smiled, overjoyed.
"Thank you, father. I'm really grateful for what you've done for me."
"It's simply a knight tradition, and every Valiant knight needs a weapon."
Xavier replied.
"Now, there's one more thing to do. Follow me, Shade."

The two entered the Queen's throne room.
"My goodness- you've finally evolved."
The Queen remarked.
"Yes, he has. And you know what that means."
Xavier replied.
"Yes, I do. Come forth, Shade."
He approached the queen.
Shade joked, obeying her.
She was given a sword, which she then lifted just above his right shoulder, and then his left shoulder.
"I now declare you a knight of the sentinel army. Your courage and bravery will be recognised and rewarded, all in good time."
Blaze said.
Shade got up, smiling.
"Thank you my queen. So much has happened today- given my own weapon and becoming knighted. This will be a day long remembered."
Xavier nodded in agreement. As they turned to leave, Blaze and Xavier exchanged glances. She wouldn't let him forget. Tomorrow was a long day, so the pair went to rest early for the night.

The next morning, the pair were up early.
"Have you got your halberd, Shade?"
"Right here."
He showed it to Xavier.
"Good. That is your most prized possession- you must take it everywhere you go. A soldier speaks through his weapon. Without it, he has no voice."
Shade nodded.
"I understand."
"Excellent. Now, you must train yourself to use it. Each weapon is different, and each soldier has a different technique. It's up to you to find yours."
Xavier explained.
Shade began to practice his swings on a dummy, with Xavier watching. Shade's destiny was now being fulfilled- he would thrive as a loyal and powerful knight of the sentinel army, along with his father figure. The future looked promising, as Xavier was sure Shade would grow strong, maybe enough to rival him. There was also a chance, although a small one, that he could surpass Xavier and grow even stronger. All of that would soon be revealed as the strength of all knights would be put to the test.

Imperials Vs. Sentinels 2- a new threat risesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن