Chapter 10

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Henry's P.O.V

It's been a couple of days since I heard Ray say what he said in the bathroom but maybe he was talking about someone else... I though to myself as I continued to think on and on until I heard.

"Henry! Henry!! Henry!!!", Charlotte nearly shouted, waving her hand in front of my face.

I shake my head and looked at her, "Huh? yeah?".

"You drifted off somewhere...Were you daydreaming maybe about a girl?", Charlotte asks and nudged my arm a little.

I shake my head again, if only she new. "There isn't a girl Char", I say softly and she just continued to eat her potatoa chips.

Wait potatoa chips! I quickly nick some and eat them.

"Hey!", Charlotte shouted with a smile and I just laughed a little.

We both any up laughing as I grabbed more and ate them.

I heard Ray walk in but kept my head looking at the table. I felt awarked as I waited for when Ray was ready to ask me. And the wait is killing me.

Later that day, I was sat on the round sofa eating Charlotte's patatoa chips. She gave the rest to me before she went home. Ray then slid on the sofa next to me.

I looked at him, he seemed to be stare at me. I blushed. He smiled. The attention and awarkness that I felt was so thick and it was getting annoying.

He smiled again and slowly took my hands, his face was slightly redder and he looked slightly scared and nervous.

"Henry?", Ray started. I nodded and bites my lip. I let out a shakily breath. Please let this be it.

"I erm...I like you a lot and I want to be with you even if we have to keep it a secert for a while", Ray blurted out fast.

My eyes went teary and my mouth turned into a wide smile. I wanted to scream.

"I like you loads to", I say softly and hugged Ray tightly.


2 weeks later, Me and Ray had been together hanging out non stop serectly in the man cave. It's been really fun. Us watching films. Ray beening super romantic and now we are currently eating a menu which includes Stake, which Ray happened to love. 

Ray looked at me and I smile at him as I noticed he had been staring at me, "What you looking at?", I ask him. He smiled, "Just how beautful you look", Ray said softly. I blushed deeply as I ate a little more and we both soon finished are meals. It was nice to be romantic even if we could only be romantic when know one was around and in the man cave. Me and Ray then cleaned away before sitting own to watch a movie. I notice Ray keep looking for me during the movie. 

I looked at Ray and paused the movie. He smiled at me, "Henry I want to be with you forever", Ray says softly. I smiled widely, "I want to be with you forever too Ray", I then said with a small blush. I leaned in slowly and Ray connected our lips. We were both smiling widely as I pulled back. "I love you Ray", I say. "And I love you", Ray says softly. 


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the last chapter and sorry for it being short. 

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