Wrongful Lust | 45

Começar do início

"oh word, so if I order you a bowl of vegetables right now you wouldn't eat it?" He asked

"well obviously not if I just said I hate vegetables, and you're definitely not ordering my food for me. I'm picky as fuck when it comes to my food"

"a nigga that like to eat, interesting" He said holding his chin

"what about you, what do you like and dislike?" I asked

"I like to draw, I'm a comic book guy and all I do is watch shows like Arrow, the Flash, things like that. I'm not the smartest when it comes to school work which I'm trying to get better at. uhh...I'm not really crazy about sports, I'm the type of nigga to only watch basketball during the finals, maybe even just the final game. I have five younger siblings, and I live with my pops, my mom...it's difficult to explain" He said looking down, I guess to prevent tears

"five younger siblings!" I said raising my eyebrows

"yeah, and one older brother. together there are seven of us" He said laughing

"damn your parent's were getting it in"

"fasho. I walked in on them making baby number four, that was the last time I ever entered their room when they were in there together"

I couldn't help but laugh at that. I wonder what I would do if I had walked in on my parents fucking, just the thought of that is weird. I can't even stand when I walk in on my mom naked with her saggy titties, looking like someone gnawed on them.

"you have a cute smile" He randomly said

"thanks, so do you especially with them dimples" I said back smiling mad hard now

The waiter finally came over and took our order. This boy really tried to order me a bowl of mixed vegetables, he must've thought I was kidding when I said I was in love with food and don't play around when it comes to it.

"so are you gay or this is your first time I guess being out with a guy like that?" I asked trying to make conversation

"nah, I'm straight as fuck just sitting across from a beautiful guy who I'm tryna cuff" He said sarcastically

"I had to ask, some of ya'll niggas be jacking ya'll straight then want to be in them guts. and from what I heard you were dl so..." I said before taking a long sip from my water

"I think niggas who say that are stupid, it's either you gay and like ass or you straight and like pussy. you can't sit there jacking you straight then later on you in another nigga's ass talking bout 'no homo', unless you bi but then obviously you're not straight. and I only told her to say that to you cuz I didn't know how you would be like and it's easier to end things when a nigga is dl." He explained

"true...wait did you just say you were tryna cuff?" I asked just now picking up on it

"yeah well I barely know you and I could already tell that you have a great energy and I'm pretty sure we would sync."

I didn't know what to say to that, I'm not used to hearing people say that to me. Luckily the waiter came back with our food so that I didn't have to say anything.

The rest of the dinner was normal I guess, we ate and got to know each other some more. I found out he was 18 and a senior just like me, he had to repeat senior year, his birthday was in June, and he owns a snake. After we ate the waiters brought out a free birthday cake for Nikki and even sang for her.

After we ate the cake Ayoub paid for the bill and then we left. They wanted to go to the movie theater to catch a flick before we parted ways so we went to the one a couple block from the restaurant. It was nice out so instead of taking the car we choose to walk. India and Nikki were walking too slow though so we were up ahead just having our own conversations.

𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐭Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora