Pragya ready for her work Abhigaya asked kady in low voice.
Abhigaya- do have any work....
Kady- No, why are you asking, in same low tone..
Abhigaya- After maa went, I will you tell you..
Pragya saw from mirror to Abhigaya murmuring something to kady.
Pragya- What you are planning..
Abhigaya- nothing mumma.
Pragya- What she say kady..
Kady- wo actually we both want to go again play zone..
Pragya- Go but take care of your meal, don't forget that..
Abhigaya- don't worry mumma we should & Pragya came near her & kissed her forehead.
Pragya- You take care of kady, and you take of Abhigaya, and you both take care both of yourself.
Abhigaya- ok, mumma bye.
Kady- bye Pragya you came to room then call us ok.
Pragya- yupe, bye take care & Pragya went to her work.
Kady- How much we lie..
Abhigaya- deepeeka Padukone say in her one movie 'when we lie for good things, then that lie actually not lie'..
Kady- duggu, today you prove that you are actually granny...
Abhigaya- Can I asked you something..
Kady- carry on.
Abhigaya- what is similarities between you & Suresh uncle..
Kady- No similar between me and dad, I like my mom only..
Abhigaya- how should find out.
Kady- observation!
Abhigaya- ok, I wanted meet that uncle who disturb me..
Kady- who..
Abhigaya- you call Purab maamu.
Kady- ok, she called him, Abhigaya on call, Purab pick up the call he go to say hello.
Abhigaya started- maamu I wanted to meet you...
Purab- meet at cafe area, & end the call.
Purab to Abhi- now came with me your work now started..
Abhi- which..
Purab- You want forgiveness than you have to do these..
Abhi- Is it ok, I have to asked one thing..
Purab- now what..
Abhi- abhigaya....I mean...
Bulbul came there- You will know about everything very soon.. you give so much love to Abhigaya only..
Abhi- ok, I leaving for cafe.. he went from there..
Purab to Bulbul- why don't you tell him truth.. about Abhigaya..
Bulbul- if Abhi know about Abhigaya, he will accept Pragya for her, he forget that what he was did that day, and that is not good for Pragya, she will not say these to anyone, she will accept that for Abhigaya, now Abhi have challenge that he have gain trust of Pragya through Abhigaya..
Purab- thank you.
Bulbul- don't be..
Purab- hmmm...

At cafe area:

Abhigaya waiting for Purab,
Abhi came & saw abhigaya seat alone on sofa, he near & seat opposite to her..
Abhi- hi.
Abhigaya- hi, Purab maamu.
Abhi- little busy, umm kady.
Abhigaya- she is on call.
Abhi- ohh, anything you want..
Abhigaya- chocolate milkshake..
Abhi- you also like it..
Abhigaya- you also like it..
Abhi- yes & he smile.
Abhigaya- uncle i m sorry.
Abhi- why..
Abhigaya- That day on dinner..
Abhi- i am sorry too, I was also disturbed you..
Abhigaya- You like fish counting..
Abhi- yes, in fact i have a small aquarium at my home, Abhi give order to waiter.
Abhigaya- which fish.
Abhi- gold, puffer, star.
Abhigaya- WOW! These are my favorite fish.
Abhi- Do you have also aquarium..
Abhigaya- umm, when I will back to home that day maa will buy, mumma was promise me.
Abhi- hmmm...

Kady end the call & go to turned Bulbul & Purab stop her.
Kady- sir what happened..
Bulbul- We wanted to talk with you..
Kady- Abhigaya!
Purab- she is with Abhi, he will take care of her..
Kady- ok, & she went with them.
Here in cafe.
Abhi- ur mumma doesn't like aquarium.
Abhigaya- how do you know.
Abhi- i m her friend na.
Abhigaya- 1 query can I asked you.
Abhi- sure!
They both order came.
Abhigaya- do u like panipuri?
Abhi- no, I didn't like that, I don't understand how can people eat that.. specially ur mom, how can she eat that..
Abhigaya- same question i asked to mumma n she told, Abhi & Pragya in 1 tone- everything is in
panipuriand they both started laughed & give hi-fi to eachother.
Abhi- Abhigaya i need your help, can you help me.
Abhigaya- which help.
Abhi- again I wanted friendship with your maa, like college days...
Abhigaya- compitation with maa..
Abhi- which?
Abhigaya- panipuri.
Abhi- no way..
Abhigaya- but these is the way to mom's sorry.
Abhi- you try these..
Abhigaya- 2 times i try & she melt in 1 minute.
Abhi- ok, when will I try these..
Abhigaya- Sunday we three are going to shopping and outing Rajasthan maa came here, so definitely she will eat Pani Puri..
Abhi- why she competition with me..
Abhigaya- Who is elder between me & you..
Abhi- me..
Abhigaya- You also think something, why me only think..
Abhi- how much you spicy in talking, like your mother..
Abhigaya- everybody said same & she smile.
Pragya in mandap doing arrangement of evening marriage, Aliya came & forward enveloped to Pragya.
Pragya- After I will see Ankita.
Aliya in other voice- mam it's urgent.
Pragya didn't even looked & she take enveloped & open it & read- yaar plz forgive me, that day, that Tanu did all, I m sorry, again I will not behave like these.. plz forgive me.. as am I your little sister, forgive me, other wise I will eat peanuts and write a note by your name, that you forcefully feed me peanuts, after that you will went to jail, I will not came to bail you, OK..

SS on abhigaya: kuch toh hai tere mere darmiya..Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu