Skylar knew Andrea was right. She was caught up. She just didn't know how she was going to be able to resist him with all the time they were going to be spending with each other in their immediate futures.

"I hear you, sis," Skylar begrudgingly replied before quickly changing the subject, "I have a favor to ask by the way."

"Alright, what is it?"

"Would you be willing to hang with DJ and Davon separately while I confess to Devin's parents that I kept their grandchild from them? Devin and I thought it would be good if that were just a conversation between us and them..."

"What?! I have to miss all the good stuff?! That ain't right, Skylar Grace!"

"Sis, I need to do this on my own. Devin even agreed that Davon shouldn't be there either. We need to be able to do this tough stuff as DJ's parents on our own. When it's time to introduce DJ, we'll text y'all about joining us. Please. I really need your help with this."

"Alright, fine. But you owe me big-time, sis. I'm talking I wanna go to a Phoenix Suns game and meet all the sexy NBA players or something. Make it happen!" Andrea demanded as she left to take a shower.

Skylar chuckled and sighed before looking up to the sky and praying that everything went smoothly.


"Good morning, Joseph family, y'all come on in!" Devin exclaimed as he opened the door with that perfect smile on display.

He immediately stepped to the side and pulled Skylar, who was holding DJ, into a tight embrace, whispering in her ear, "Hey, pretty girl."

Skylar bit her lip, trying to hide the smile that wanted to break out on her face. She met Devin's eyes which had a glint of amusement in them, before responding back with a simple, "Hey."

Andrea's warning replayed in her head as she came to the realization that Devin wasn't going to make this whole resisting thing easy. Devin then excitedly grabbed DJ out of her arms, "My man! Daddy is so happy to see you, buddy."

DJ shyly smiled and gave his dad a high-five when Devin held his hand up.

"You must be Andrea," Devin guessed, walking over to her after he greeted Skylar's parents.

"Un-Dea!" DJ exclaimed, clapping his hands and showing his love for his auntie.

Devin smiled and looked at his son, "Oh yea? You love auntie, I see."

DJ giggled and put his head down on Devin's shoulder as his cheeks went pink with embarrassment.

"That's right! My little munchkin knows what's up!" Andrea replied with glee, giving DJ a few tickles to continue his laughter, "And you must be Devin. The one whose got my sister all messed up in the head."

It was Devin's turn for his cheeks to go pink, not expecting Andrea to drop such a comment so early.

He nervously chuckled as he stuck his arm out for a side hug, "I guess that's me...although not my intention."

"Lies, but ok, Mr. Booker. I'm watching you," Andrea stated looking him in the eye after leaning in for the hug.

"Yes ma'am, I hear you loud and clear," he responded, knowing there was nothing he could say.

"Un-Dea!" DJ said again, reaching for his auntie.

"Come on, munchkin, your crazy parents are sending us away anyway, so we're going to get our breakfast and go!" she loudly whispered to him, making sure that Devin would hear.

Felix Culpa☀︎Devin BookerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora