Amy doesn't reply at first and I'm worried she thinks I'm being creepy. Afterall, I am over half her age. Of course!" she finally says, relieving me of my doubts. "Mum?" She calls.

"Yes?" I hear an older woman's voice and assume that's Amy's mum. I'm not exactly sure where she's standing but I try to angle myself so I'm at least maybe facing her general direction.

"Phil wants to know if he can take a picture of the three of us for himself?" Amy asks.

"I didn't want you to be weirded out by a man you hardly know taking a picture with your daughter who is less than half his age," I say a bit sheepishly. "So I wanted to ask you permission to take a picture of us on my phone. "She's really been a big inspiration to me, and I wanted to be able to capture that.

"Of course! I can take it for you, if you would like," she offers.

I nod and hold out my phone, smiling, "Thank you so much!"

Dan stands next to me while Amy is in front of us. I put my hand on her shoulder and crouch down a little to be a little closer to her height. "One, two, three!" Amy's mom says, counting down to the picture. "There you go!" She says. "Dan, can you give this back to Phil for me please?" She asks. A second later, Dan's hand brushes mine and I feel him slip me my phone.

"Thank you so much," I say to both Amy and her mom.

"Of course! I'm Mrs. Dinkman, by the way, I don't think I've introduced myself." she says.

I hear her and Dan shake hands. "I'm Dan, but of course you already know that," he chuckles.

Mrs. Dinkman laughs. "Oh, yes, Amy talks about you two all the time."
"Well it's nice to finally meet you," I say politely.

Mrs. Dinkman laughs quietly. "Oh no, the pleasure's all mine. Ever since Amy found out that you're blind too, she's been so much happier. I think you've inspired her just as much as she's inspired you," she says.

I feel a grin take over my face at her words. "That's so wonderful to hear! I'm so glad you guys were able to come out for this!"

Since Amy is the last fan in line, and we have nowhere to be after this, we don't mind stalling to talk for a little bit.

"Ah, yes, this was Amy's twelfth birthday gift, isn't it honey?"

"Yeah!" Amy answers excitedly. "It's a birthday gift in addition to a 'good grades and good getting around' gift."

"Aw that's lovely," I say. "Well happy birthday!" I say to Amy.

"Yeah, happy birthday!" Dan says too.

"Thanks you guys," Amy bubbles.

"It's so great that we got to meet up with you guys again," I exclaim.

"It was amazing getting to meet you guys again, too." Amy says. "No pun intended, Phil," she laughs.

"Of course," Dan and I say in unison before breaking out into laughter of our own.

"Hug?" I hear Dan offer. I hear the jangle of Mickey's tags and realize he must be directing Amy closer to Dan.

"I can do hugs too!" I say. "It just might be a bit awkward," I admit.

"That's alright," Amy assures. "All hugs are good hugs."

"Well," Ms. Dinkman says, "it was very nice seeing you two again but we should be getting off to the next meet up. Who was it with, Amy? Tom? Tyde?"

"Tyler!" Amy chuckles. "Tyler Oakley, remember? You know, the guy you said had nice hair when I showed you his videos?"

"Right! He's the guy who you-" She begins, but Amy quickly cuts her off.

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