Chapter 10 - You're Drunk

Start from the beginning

"Yes, but why? Why do it at all? She's not even your type." She pointed out.

"Don't look down on her. She's your friend."

"I'm not. I'm just pointing it out. She's different from the others, Zach."

"I know. But what if she is—"

"Your type?" She butted in. "Come on, everyone knows you're some George Clooney wannabe." She concluded while raising her eyebrow.

"Judgmental as always. Didn't it occur to you that I might actually like her?"

"Stop it, Zach! Knowing you, you'll just take advantage of her!" She snapped.

"Really? You don't know me anymore, Chloe." I emphasized.

"Of course, I do. You're still the same womanizing jerk as before."

"Easy with your PMS there. It might make this conversation shorter. Who are you to judge people anyway?" Now this conversation was heating up.

"I'm her friend, genius! And I'm just stating the obvious."

"Fair enough. Wait, are you jealous?" I teased.

She looked like she was about to slap me. Instead, she just drank all that was left in her glass. "That's it? You're trying to make me jealous?" She asked in a sharp tone.

"Maybe, yes. Maybe, not. Are you?"


"Figured as much. So why can I sense your urge to slap me in the face?" I asked.

"Well, the fact that you'd go that far just to make me jealous—"

I didn't even let her finish her statement, I just laughed at her. "Still the same old Chloe, thinking the whole world revolves around her. Don't be so full of yourself, not everything's about you." I sipped from my glass. "Just accept the fact that there's something I see in her. If you really trust her, trust me, and be happy for us." I gave her my best innocent smile; it widened when I saw she looked like she was about to explode.

"How dare you? I trust her feelings for you. But you? No way!" I could see her storming my way looking anguish. But I didn't mind that, I was more curious on what she meant by trusting Tori's feelings.

"What do you mean you trust her feelings?" I asked her, my interest piqued. "Explain."

"Curiosity killed the cat, Zach."

"Just tell me what you meant by that." I demanded.

She returned back to the bar and filled her glass again. It was probably like her third glass or something, I wasn't sure. I lost counting tracks. "I happened to talk to her before going here. She's a terrible liar, so I tried to get the truth out of her." Chloe gave me a baleful look. "For some unfathomable reason, it seems like she really does like you."

"What did she say?" I wasn't sure why I became so curious on what Tori feels and sees about me.

She shrugged. "Something about ninth grade, and the library."

"I have no idea. What about the library?" I haven't met Tori until the last semester of ninth grade, when she'd suddenly joined to Chloe's little group. I frowned at her. I really had no idea what she was talking about.

She rolled her eyes and continued with her mother-like speech. "Just as I thought, you don't even remember. The library's the first place she met you. It's kinda sappy, actually. But that's Tori's idea of romance."

I was confused. I couldn't recall anything from ninth grade. Romance? Was she for real? This was turning into some stupid chick flick.

"Anyway, I wouldn't be here if it was Nathan she'd gotten together with—" I raised a hand and stopped her from continuing that thought the moment I heard Nathan's name.

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