Cuphead and Mugs

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Bendys Pov

After y/n hugged Mickey, Donald and Ozzy, we headed out on our quest. Just as we stepped out of the tent, someone ran up to us and grabbed me by the collar. After I was pinned to a wall, I saw it was Cup...

"What do you want?" I said, obviously tired of their crap.

"Don't worry, this will only hurt a lot!" Cups said. I closed my eyes until someone threw a rock at the back of cups head. I looked to see who it was, it was y/n...

Y/n Pov

"Leave him alone asswhipe" you said as Bendy gave you a look like "are you insane". Cuphead walked over to you and pushed you against the wall. He made a finger gun as he pointed it at you.

"Oh, what's that gonna do? Finger me?" You said as you pissed cups off even more. You bit his finger and ran to Bendy and Boris. Cups finger started to glow and shot a blue beam of light at you bendy and boris. You grabbed bendy and boris and hit the ground before the beam could hit us. After the beam passed, all we heard was a thump, running and sobbing.

"MUGS!" Cup yelled as he held Mugs close and sobbed into his chest.

"N-No.. NO! OPEN YOUR EYES!" Cup yelled again sobbing twice as hard. You looked at him with sympathy remembering what happened to your brother.

"C-Cups...?" You said as you walked up to him. Bendy tried to grab your arm, but failed miserably.

"Did you think your deaths will be quick and painless...? MY BAD, I'LL MAKE SURE YOU REALLY SUFFER!" Cups said with a menacing smile between sobs. With that, he carried mugs into the distance....

Take your place with me (QUEST! Bendy z TOON! Reader.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora