2.1 » A Walk

Começar do início

Finn said pulling her in for a hug, out of the corner of his eye he saw a confused Jack standing at the pools entrance, Nodding in a way that told Jack that everything was okay, he shooed him off, making Millie pull away from the hug the slightest bit.

"See? I told you I woke Jack up"

Finn said with a laugh, Millie laughed too, but a lot less.

"Finnie? I'm really sorry about all of this, you know, I could make it up to you"

She said, tracing circles around his chest and inching closer to his face, close enough that he could feel her hot breath

"Mills, you don't have to—"


She said cutting him off with a kiss, but she tried to deepen it rather quickly, and as sweet as her lips tasted, he knew what she was trying to do.

"Millie, No."

He said in his sternest tone possible, easing her off of him, but she only went for his neck, to which he gently pushed her away from too.

"Millie, No."

He said a bit louder, catching her attention this time, she could tell that he was being serious

"I don't ever want you to think that you have to 'make it up to me', especially like that."

He said, caressing her cheek as she stared into the water

"I'm sor—"

"No, I don't need another apology."

He said, cutting her off once again

"I'm just a mess right now"

She said, obviously disappointed with herself

"You're not a mess, Millie. Now come on, I wanna take you somewhere"

He said taking her hand and leading her out of the water

"At 1:30 in the morning?"

She asked

"Yes, now let's go get changed."

Finn and Millie were walking hand in hand as he lead her out of the neighborhood to who knows where. Finn had changed into jeans and a regular t-shirt whereas Millie changed shorts and took one of his sweatshirts, he didn't mind it though, she looked adorable, hot, or a good mix of both whenever she wore his things.

"Where exactly are we going?"

Millie asked

"Exactly? Nowhere."

Finn said

"What do you mean, Nowhere?"

She inquired

"Nowhere, we're just roaming the streets"

"How do you know where we're going then?"

"My foster parents, they had me do some commercials so that they could have the extra cash and say that they were trying to get me into something. That's how I met Jack, we were both auditioning for this Orange Juice commercial, and ended up becoming friends after we both didn't get the part. Don't get me wrong, I was still a rebellious little shit back then, but I just wasn't as bad, and then I got a hell of a lot worse when I had to move away, to Hawkins."

He explained

"And what about Jack? What happened with his acting career?"

She continued

"Oh yeah, a few years ago he was just starting to scratch the surface of fame, that was until he was exposed for cheating on his girlfriend, sending and receiving nudes from various different girls, even his own fans. He got about 3 months in a similar detention center like ours, that's why he helped us escape, because he actually understood what we were going through."


Millie said simply, before yawning loudly. Finn then knelt down with his back faced to her

"Get on, I'll take you home"

He said patting himself on the back, she didn't reply, rather stood there confused.

"I'm gonna give you a piggyback ride silly, now hop on"

Mentally face palming Millie got on his back, enjoying the feel of his grasp on her legs and her arms around his neck, she fell back asleep.


If you think that you're catching on, or think you know something that's gonna happen, you're wrong.

The real thing is actually MUCH worse 😋😋

Juveniles » FillieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora