"Yay!" Mal and I jumped out of the car and had a stick leg race to the mall doors.

"I WON!" Malahia yelled pushing me away from her

"Yeah well I came in second!"

"You do realize there is only 2 of us right? so technically you were last"

"Wow. Way to make me feel bad." We both started to laugh and grabbed each other's hands and skipped into the mall all the way to American Eagle.

"So your last magcon is next weekend"

"Yeah I know" I was really upset about that

"I'm sure Bart will have more!"

"I hope" i grabbed a pair of white skinny jeans and white capris. Then I went and grabbed a tan, grey and black cardigan. I walked around to find Malahia because I was down and wanted to check out. When I saw her she was looking through a rack of wand with her back to me. I got my phone out and walked up behind her. I whispered scare cam and jumped on Malahia. Which made me drop my cloths and made Malahia scream and throw the sandals she had in her hand. I stopped the video and fell on the floor laughing. While Malahia was glaring at me.

"You should have saw your face. Oh wait! you can I got it on tape!" She didn't find that funny. At all.

My phone started to ring And it was my dad


"Hey Ry. Everyone went back home. And tonight is your moms last night. Bart's coming for dinner and so are they."

"Can Aaron and Malahia come?"

"They are family"

"Thanks daddy! what time should I be home?"

"4:00" I looked at the time and it's only 2. I live 30 minutes away so I'll just leave at 3 so when I get home I'll be able to change and actually look presentable.

"Malahia we have an hour!"


"You hear me!" I laughed an picked up everything I was buying and went to check out.

"Where to next?"

"Hollister?" We ran so fast. We couldn't wast any time. When we got there I grave two pairs of regular jeans and a lace shirt. Then payed.

"Should we just leave?" It's not fun when you have a time limit.

"Yeah lets go."

"Let's come back before school starts. okay?"

"I'm good with that"

---------(back at Ryanns)-------------

When I walked through the door Taynn ran right up to me.

"Hey tay tay!" I got on the floor and started to mess with him. He got bigger since I saw him last. I picked him up and Malahia and I ran up to my room.

I put on my new white capris and my anchor sperrys. I put on my "can you not" shirt and put my hair in a pony tail. Then I put on only a little make-up and grabbed my phone.

Malahia was wearing mint colored skinny jeans and a plain white shirt with holes and a bandue. Her hair was wavy and she only had mascara on.

"Cute!" We both said at the same time laughing. I hear the door open downstairs and Mal and I raced down the stairs.

"Aaron!" Malahia and I jumped on him at the same time and took him down.

"I guess we should start planning Aaron's funeral?" Cameron joked.

"Calling us fat?" I jumped up and acted tough

"Don't accuse me of things that never left my mouth" he laughed and hugged me.

"I'm glad you're better"

"Thanks cammy"

"Time for dinner!" Jenny yelled

We all went and sat down while Jenny and my dad served us.

We all just talked about our days and things we are looking forward to. All of the MagCon family will be back together in a week in New Jersey and I can't wait. I really miss them all, especially Taylor.

( skip to when everyone is leaving)

"I'll miss you Ryann. I will definitely be calling and anything else I can do to contact you. I love you!"

"I love you too mom." I hugged her and then moved on to my two little sisters.

"Make sure you text me everyday" I hugged them both and then said good bye to Josh.

"Come visit soon. I'll pay for your ticket and I'll buy a ticket for Malahia and Aaron too. Even Cameron or Taylor."

"Thank you" as they walked to their rental car I waved from the doorway

"You should get some sleep. You're waking g up early tomorrow." Yeah we are actually going to New Jersey early just to have some time out of Louisiana. Cameron Aaron Malahia Bart and I will be leaving bright and early tomorrow. And then after this last event I will be back in school. Yay. Sense the sarcasm?


Thanks for reading!

Now awhile ago I promised I would add a couple girls in and I picked the first six girls that contacted me but I lost all the information. So if you contacted me on kik before and I said I'd add you in please kik me again so you can be in next chapter!

You are all awesome!

The only places you can contact me!

Twitter- @ashlan_houser

Kik- @ashlanhouser

Instagram- @ashlan_houser


I also have a tumblr and I mostly post pictures of the magcon boys.


I also don't mind recommendations for my story!

Lastly if you follow me on twitter or tumblr tell me and I'll follow back!

Thank you all!

Remember if you want to see what Ryann looks like you can ask and If you want to see any of the outfits I describe just ask! (Kik or twitter!)

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