Chapter 13: I'm Sorry

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"Mark." Ryan shook his brother on attempt to wake him up.
"Mark!" His desperate screams were saddening. You couldn't help but sit there in watch as the others cried out.
A thought came to mind, making you slowly crawl to Mark.
You took two fingers and placed them on his neck.


You shook as you leaned your ear down to his chest for a heart beat.


"MARK!!" Ryan's screams were desperate. This made you feel like the worst person ever.
He's gone. And it's all my fault. I should've known something was wrong!
You felt nacious. Your stomach hurt, and your head pounded. This normally happened when you were overwhelmed with something bad.
"He's gone." You stated flatly. Everyone turned to you, shocked. This just made you want to throw up more. Tears weld up in you eyes, threatening to fall. You didn't fight back, they came down like a waterfall.
Sobs escaped your lips, you quickly turned away and covered you mouth.
It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all MY FAULT!!

You threw up, making black liquid poor out of your mouth. It scattered all over the grass, making you cover your mouth instantly.
"(Y/N), are you alright? What is that?" Spyder questioned.
"That black stuff is me. I can't... control it." You had a coughing fit which made more black spill out.
"Get Mark to a hospital, he still could be saved. Hurry!" Sobs escaped your mouth from the pain.
"What about you?" Harris sounded alert.
"I'll be fine."
"We need to get you to the ho-"
"NO! You can't! If they find out what I really am, they'll take me away or... Kill me. I still have to protect y-"
You threw up once more. Coughing followed. Spyder walked to you, and knelt down.
"Is there anything we can do?"
"Nothing much. Just wait for it to stop is all."
The boy grabbed you which forced you to your feet. Ryan was holding his brother, sobbing in his chest. It hurt you so to just watch this. Harris was talking to someone on the phone, panicked. The only thing you could do was stand there, using Spyder as a force to help stand.
"They will be here shortly. Ryan, let go." Harris instructed, reaching for the might-be-dead boy.
Ryan pulled Mark closer, shouting at Harris.
You all exchanged the same look.
That look ended up staring at you in the end.
"(Y/N), he'll listen to you." Harris stared with determination at you.
You swallowed, looking to the boy. Spyder let go of you, making you quickly get to Ryan's side.
"Hey." That's all you said. It may have worked, he had slightly stopped shaking.
"Ryan. I know it's hard to let go of someone you love, but you have to. If you don't, he will die. Please Ryan. We all care about Mark, but we have to let him go to gain in back." You chose your words wisely, hoping not to make it worse.
You grabbed Mark. Ryan slowly let go, drying his tears. It actually worked! What you said made him let go of Mark! Honestly, it was amazing. You didn't think it would actually work.
Harris took Mark from you, and looked out for the ambulances.
Your sickness went away instantly, feeling satisfaction.
Within seconds, an ambulance arrived, taking Mark in a bed-like wheel chair.
Ryan was first to get in the ambulance, then Harris, Spyder and lastly, you.
Ryan sat with Spyder while you sat with Harris. Mark looked... Asleep.
Ryan's sobs only made everything worse.

At the hospital, everyone sat in a chair. Ryan's foot tapped rapidly on the ground. Harris had a thinking posture on. Spyder held his hands together.
You sat up straight and thought of everything that could possibly happen.
Mark could die. Ryan could be broken. School would never be the same.
Someone would suicide.
Others would loose hope.
Some will laugh. More will cry.
The team could disband.
You could feel empty.
Corps of the Unknown could rule.
Lucifer will be the most powerful being.
People will die.
Humanity will be lost.

All because of me.

You had absentmindedly started crying, which turned into sobbing. Ryan had a hand on your shoulder, but it did nothing to calm you.
Everything was be a tragedy. Nothing could be saved.
Everyone could die.

And its all my fault.

Everything that has happened, it's because of you.
Because you decided to talk to them. And be their friend. You just wanted happiness. But at what cost?

You were mentally screaming inside, which caused you to shake rapidly on the outside. You placed both hands on either side of your head, and stared in fear at nothing in paticular.
This made everyone to look at you.
"Whoa. Hey (Y/N), it's going to be alright. Don't worry about anything." Spyder lied.
"It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault." That's all you managed to say, in a whispery voice.
Ryan, Harris, and Spyder each exchanged glances at one another.
After moments of fear, concern and silence, Ryan spoke up.
"Nothing is your fault. If anything, it's the bad guys' fault! You couldn't do anything about it."
"Its all my fault." You continued to whisper. Spyder sighed and sat back down on his chair, along with Harris.
Ryan grabbed your wrist.
"It's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself (Y/N)."
"Its all my fau-"
"It's not!" He snapped.
You allowed him to lower your hand. The other hand stayed on your head.
"Listen to me, (Y/N). Don't blame yourself. It will be okay. Don't be scared. We're all here. And even if Mark isn't here in person, he'll be with us, no matter what."
"If he dies, it means the fate of everything is in my hands. If he lives, I have a chance to fix everything I've done wrong."
"He will live. I promise you that."
In the deepest part of your heart you hoped it to be true. But you knew on the inside, somewhere, he was lying.

And it's all my fault.

Hey guys! I don't got much to say but, sorry for typos! I was kinda eating some Barbecue chips while typing so of there are a lot of typos, so sorry!
I want to do a few more school days before everything intriguing happens. Honestly, that took forever to spell lol.
I'm so excited to write more! I'm one for cliffhangers. (Also, I finished this yesterday but didn't have wifi 😢)
Till next time!

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