Chapter 10: Hope

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The clouds gracefully wept on your skin. The air feeling light and the sounds sounding silent.
No one could get you up here. If you were up here, that means your friends wouldn't get hurt. They know you're not watching, they know not to hurt your friends.
What worries you is if they will hurt your friends when you're not watching. It's highly unlikely. They like to be "seen" doing things. It's hard to explain their tactics.
As you inhlaed a deep breath, your wings stopped moving. It was time to go back.
You swiftly turned around and closed back down. Slowly. You didn't want to suddenly just appear back, that would make ever trying awkward.

A few hours later, you landed in the forest, hopfully unseen. Your wings folded into your back, giving relief to the extra weight. When you started to walk, you heard a roar sound.
"Oh.. crap." You took off into a sprint. The trees passing one by one. You knew that roar well, it was the roar of any monster.
As you ran faster and fastrr, sticksfrom trees scratched and rubbed against your face, creating scratches. It burnt, to say the least, but you had to get to Ryan.
You hoped he was in the robot.

The monster's loud roar echoed through the woods, making the ground shake. It was getting closer.
As you reached the edge of the woods, a root was unseen and caught your foot, causing you to fall flat on your face.
The root was dug into the ground and had trapped your foot through it. Normally your ankle would be twisted. But at the speed you were running, it might as well be broken.
Suddenly, all the pain, the scratches, burns, broken bones, got to you.
"S-SHOOT!" You screamed. The pain was bad, sure, but the sorry was worse.
I hope the others are at the robot! Please, please be at the robot..

"Oh no."
A foot laaanded inches away from you. It was green, big, and had claws. To say the least, it was nasty.
You struggled to get your foot away, to get it loose, but every move was a living nightmare. Every muscle in your foot, it hurt, almost indescribable.
When the monster stayed in that place, you could almost feel relief.
Until you heard smacking sound.
Good news: They made it to the robot!
Bad news: They're doing a terrible job.

As the monster stepped away, you knew it was time to get away.
Your wings spread out, glaring in the sun days between the trees. Or whatever was left of them. The wings turned to fire, and you created a fireball to burn the root.
It worked well, only badside is you burnt your ankle.
That added to the pain.
You screamed with all the pain shooting at you at once. But nevertheless, you shot up, flapping your wings like a bird's, to get high into the air.
Luckily, you saw Mech-x4 standing, ready to fight. However, the monster was too. It smashed it's fist along the side of the robot's face.
You shot a fireball at the monster, immediately regretting it.
It turned around and attempted to punch you. Although, it's size caused it to be slow. You dodged it effortlessly.
You flapped your wings, which turned into ice.
You shot ice at it, which turned into daggers in the end. It stabbed in it's eyes, causing it to shout in pain. When mech-x4 stood up, you fleed to it's side.
As it fought the monster, you stayed where you were. Hoping to not get in the way.
As you were in a daze, the monster has "accidentally" slapped you. It caused you to slam into a tree, and fall to the ground.
That didn't help at all, it only made the pain worse.
It felt as if a dozen nails stabbed into your back all at once, and it was a constant pain, almost as if it would be a never-ending pain.
The pain made you paralyzed.
You couldn't move.
You were helpless.
Well this was a surprise. Now I could just lay here, and possibly die because I was lost in a daze! You mentally punched yourself, but everything hurt to much.

Something stepped on you, and you swore it was the end.

You were in an elevator, in some sort of machine. Through the blurrs in your eyes, you could see the eyes of your friends staring at you.
Ryan, Harris, Spyder, and Mark too.
Ryan unstrapped himself from the harness and was the first to run up to you. He knelt down and looked at you.
All you could do was give a slight whine.
Harris came behind Ryan, and told him something you couldn't make out through the ringing in your ears.
Ryan shifted his arm under your legs, and his other arm under your neck. Then he lifted you from the ground of the elevator, and turned around to face Harris, who eventually stepped in the elevator.

Something cold hit your back, soothing the burns. Harris was saying something to you, but you coulsnt understand. The ringing was the same as before, the evelator made it worse too.
Harris grabbed your shoulders and shook you, shouting something.
"(Y/N)!" At least that was what you thought he yelled.
Ryan grabbed something from the counter and handed it to Harris. It looked like a brown bottle. The nerdy boy took it, and did something you couldn't see.
The next thing you know, everything is burning.
You felt your mouth open to scream, but you heard nothing.
The pain hurt so much. It was unbearable.
This caused the next thing for you to see is blackness.

You had passed out.

Hey everyone! Thanks so much for reading this fan fiction! Also sorry if this story has a lot of typos, I miss those things a lot. Also- This is when the team starts to get over-protective of you! I cant wait to write some more scenes of school again, some things are gonna get CRAZY!!!
Once again, thank you all so much for reading this! Till next time!

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