Chapter 9: No, Family.

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You woke up heading a loud thud. This caused you to jump from your sleep, till of the couch, and land on your back. Quickly, you stood to your feet.
Grace was at the bottom of the stairs picking up laundry she had dropped down the stairs. This was a relief, but it was still bad.
"Here, allow me to help!" You gently walked over to the woman picking up clothes.
"Who are you?" She looked up stunned.
"Don't you remember? My name is-"
"Oh, (Y/N)! Yes, I'm sorry. My memory hasn't been strong lately."
"Don't worry, I'm used to it!" You smiled and started to pick up the unorganized clothes.
You also helped gold them while you were just sitting there helping.
"You don't have to."
"You let me stay, it would be so rude if I just stood there and stared while you do work."
"You're very kind."
Grace's words made you smile and feel warm. This house made you feel welcome, even if you had just arrived.
Ryan was coming down the stairs as you finished folding the last set of clothes for Grace. He seemed confused.
"Sorry, Ry. I dropped some clothes and (Y/N) helped me pick it up." She turned to you. "Thank you, by the way."
"Its the least I can do." You handed her the set of clothes you folded.
She then walked away, leaving you to face Ryan.
That's when your smiled faded.
"What am I gonna do about food! I can't eat your mother's cooking! What should I do?" You started to feel panic rising in your cheat. Food was a priority, something one couldn't go without. Not even a plant.
Once you put your hands on your head, Ryan spoke.
"We'll figure something out. Just calm down."
"Are you sure? We cant hunt here.. it's a city so-"
"Calm down! You're talking a bit too fast."
You silenced yourself, realizing your mouth had been moving twice as fast as you're used to.
"I'm sorry. I just need food but I dont want to disapoint your mother."
"Just say you're not hungry."
"That won't ALWAYS work." You started to argue.
"Then say you have allergies."
"Then she'll ask me what I can eat."
"Um... Just say the truth?"
"Then reveal yourself too."
Silence made its way between you.
"See! We cant use any excuses! I'll just have to eat it...  But maybe if i can-" you trailed off, making your mouth shut before you explained further more.
And because Grace made another appearence.
"What are you two talking about?"
"Uh-" Ryan startez, but you cut him off.
"Allergies." You said confidently, stiffing up a little bit.
"Oh, you have allergies?"
"Just a little."
"What are they?"
"Uh.. dust allergy. But it will only get to me if there is a LOT of it around."
"Good thing I dusted a few days ago!" She half-joked.
You felt bad for lying, but at least it could do something. Grace walked into the kitchen.
"What would you like for breakfast?"
"Pancakes!" Ryan shouted before you could say anything.
"I'm not hungry right now. But thank you."
"Well, you'll get hungry some time."

Ryan sat down at the table and ate the pancakes he wanted. Mark had woken up five minutes after that. Grace calld him a "lazy head."
Ryan said he had plans with his friends, and for you to come along.
Somehow you knew it wasnt plans with his friends.

"So, Ryan. Where are we going?"
"Skate park."
It took you a few seconds to gather up what you had just heard.
"What?" You spoke nonchalantly.
"Yup. I know how I skate. Surprised?"
"I'm a pro skatwr, so don't worry."
You raised a brow.
"Okay, I'm pretty close to a processional skater."
"I won't believe it till I see it." You smiled jokingly. How come you've never heard of him talk about skate boarding before? Maybe it was just an un-natural hobbie..
Your thoughts were cut off as you were snapped back into reality.
"We're here. Spyder and Harris should be here, too!"
"Do they skate?" You wouldn't imagine Harris skating, so it was more like asking about Spyder.
"No, they don't. If anything all they do is give moral support and take videos of me skating."
"That's it?"
You stood in silence as Ryan greeted his friends.
"Can I try skating?" You asked Ryan as you stood behind him. He turned around in shock.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I think I know enough to try." You lied. Ryan handed you his board and you placed it in the ground. Surprisingly, your feeting was prefect.
You used your right food to push off, and it was a little too fast.
The next thing you feel is air...

The skate board hit concrete, and spun around. You felt air again, and heard a scraaaping sound.
When you found your sense, you had jumped on a concrete platform and was now skating down a rail. You jumped up and spun around, the skate board following your movement. Your hand was holding onto the board until you let go and landing perfectly in the concrete floor. You stopped in front of Ryan, looking ahead at the emptiness of the park. He was looking at the left side of you, staring on awe.
"You're really good!" Spyder spat. You were panting but turned to them.
"Thanks. Didn't know I had it in me." You got off the board and handed it back to it's owner.
"You're turn." You smiled.
He took his board and placed it on the ground in front of him, turning it a bit to his right so he won't run into anything.
Spyder was tapping his phone while Harris was explaining something. When it was time for the skating tricks, you froze.
Ryan hopped on his skate board and took off, Spyder raised the phone and the camera followed Ryan quickly. You walked behind Spyder and looked at the phone. It was aiming on the boy well. Wheb you saw the boy on the phone stumble and land face-first, you completely panicked.
"RYAN!" When you looked over expecting to see a bit on the concrete, Harris was already there.
You quickly caught up and kneeld beside him. His face was scratched and he barely had his eyes opened.
"Ryan, what happened?" Harris said.
"I dont know. I was about to jump with my skate board when suddenly something stopped me. Next thing I know I'm hitting the concrete."
"Spyder, let me see that video." You demanded. He hesitantly handed you his phone as he sat down in front of Ryan.
When you watched the video, a hand-like metal thing came from the ground just as Ryan had bent down to grabe the bottom of his skate board.
"I found it!" You showed the others the video and told them what to look for. Harris seemed the only one to be thinking about it. Ryan stared in shock and Spyder looked confused.
When you stood up, everyone turned to you.
"I have to go now. I'll see you all in a bit."
You turned and walked away, shortly changing it to a sprint.
They've figured out who my friends are. Now what?

That was all you could think of as you spread out your wings from your back. Before too long, you were reaching the clouds.
Your hood was covering your face, and you looked down, most likely looking like a bird from the surface.
All you could do was hope everyone was safe.

Hey everyone! I think this chapter was a little weird and rushed a bit. But who is 'they'? I can't wait to continue this! Also, if you're confused about the title see chap. 3. This title is supposed to answer the question for chapter 3's title. I made it chapter 9 specifically because 9 is a multiple of 3. So that makes sense, right? I hope it does I'm not good at explaining anything (especially math). Also if there are a lot of typos I'm sorry. I had to go back and add something I forgot to write in this chapter. Anyways, thank you for reading my fan-fiction! I love you guys! Also sorry for the delay I haven't had wifi. Till next time!

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