Chapter 2: First sight

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You walked into your new school, having a feeling of distrust already.
After you got your locker and schedule from the principle, you decided to look around for a minute. You had a light-weight backpack so wasn't bad for your back. And besides, it was empty most of the time for a reason.

You checked out your locker, and opened it. It seemed like a normal locker, not too bad.
Some kids were talking, maybe softmores? One of them seemed like the center off attenrion, so you tried not to stare.
Three boys walked to their locker, reaching to open it. One has mildly-long hair, the taller one looked kinda cute. The the smaller boy, which was behind them, seemed like a nerdish boy. The looks give it away. You quickly glanced away before it seemed like you were staring.

The nerdy kid suddenly shouted. "Wait, DON-"
The two faces were splattered. You jumped back and whipped your head around when you heard the commotion. The mildly-haired kid and thr taller one were covered in what seemed like penut butter. You heard the older kids at the end of the lockers start to laugh. You felt guilt and saddness in your stomach.

"Hey, are you guys okay?" You asked the boys as they wiped their face off. The mildly-haired one answered. "Yeah, were fine." He said in a half sarcastic, half happy tone. You signed, not understanding what he meant.

In class, the teacher called you up. "Class, we have a new student student today, and her name is (Y/n). Introduce yourself."
You were never good in front of crowds, but you forced yourself to speak. "My name is (y/n), and I just moved here from Ohio." You didn't know what else to say, since you just moved here. And giving others more about you would make it kinda harder to communicate with others.
The teacher geatured you back to your seat. Once you sat down, you looked to who you were sitting by.
That kid at the lockers. The one who was covered in peanut butter, but didn't talk. You could see his blueish, grey eyes.
He turned to you, making you instantly turn away.
"He noticed me!" You thought to yourself.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading this! I know it might be a lot and is very slow, and maybe some things dont make sense yet, but I promise it  will all unfold shortly! -Tina

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