Chapter 8: Yum

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You were sitting on top of the robot's head eating some recycled junk turned into delicious food. Everyone was inside the robot talking about a new upgrade, but you liked being up here. (More like you've just figured out you can be on the robot's head and you don't want to get down.)
As you finished your junky food, you hear the door of the robot's head open. Yoy swiftly turn around to see who it was.
"Shouldn't you be talking to Harris?"
"It got boring, thought I might check up here to see what kind of ezcitment is happening." Ryan stood, latching himself so he wouldn't fall off. You hadn't noticed the latches, but if you fell you had wings so that didn't really matter. Ryan sat next to you.
"Ew, you still eat that stuff?"
"Well, yeah. All my life I've eaten raw meat that looks and smells like real food. This actually lets me taste what humans taste!"
You took the last nite of the hotdog you were eating and swallowed allow instantly. You turned to look at Ryan, who was looking to the ground.
"Scared of heights?" You asked, smiling.
"Not yet, I hope."
"If I pushed you right now, would you be scared of heights then?"
"No, I'd be scared of you. Or you pushing me off things."
You laughed at his answer.
Then silence broke between you. This made the like awkward. When you opened your mouth, so did Ryan. When you closed your mouth, so did Ryan. This made it even more awkward than it already was. You let out a sigh, before opening your mouth slowly.
"What did Harris upgrade or install into the robot?"
"Just new defences. He also told me to give this to you." In Ryan's hand was what looked like a wrist band with an X across it. You kindly took it and tried it on as a braclet, hoping not to look like an idiot. "What does it do?"
"Well, it helps contact one another, gives you a limited amount of oxygen if you go underwater, and I think that's it?"
"You sound unsure."
"Ya well, I can't remeber."
"That's wonderful." You joked sarcastically before standing up.
"Might as well do something instead of making another awkward moment happen." You said giving a hand to the not sitting. He grabbed your hand and stood to his feet.

In the lounge part of the robot, Spyder, Ryan, Mark, Harris, and you were watching the tv. Mech-x4 was stared on the news, so that's what you were watching. Nobody smiled until the word "hero" was spoken, but that was short lived. The words it said was: "Hero, or villian?"
You stomach ached as Ryan turned it off, his eyes glowing blue then back to grey.
"I can't believe this. We help the community and this is what we get?!"
"Calm down Ryan, I'm sure no one listens to them." Harris grabbed Ryan's shoulder.
"Yeah, I mean I dont." Spyder said, standing next to Mark.
"They're just selfish jerks who wish they had a better job than a weather-man. They say these things because they're jealous, basically." You stated, feeling proud of the smile you made Ryan form on his face.
"Yeah, you're right!" Ryan got to his feet. "Who cares what they think, we know what's true! Who cares if they don't!"
"That's the spirit!" Mark shouted.
Everyone for up and ran out of the robot. You followed behind as they talked about donuts or something.
We're going to go to some place delicious where it sales the good known as donuts, which I can't eat!
You complained in your head. But smiled on the outside.
As you entered the little building, a smell took over your sense. You wanted to puke but it smelled so good at the same time. As they chose what they wanted, Ryan turned to you.
"Want anything?"
You stated at him as if he was the dumbest being in the planet. You could tell in his eyes it hurt him, but when he opened his mouth, he remembered.
"Oh, right! S-sorry!" He atuttered, quickly turning around.
Honestly, you felt more sad than anything.
I wish I was normal.
You sat on a bench with Ryan and Spyder, Harris and Mark stayed standing as they ate their donuts. You could tell they wanted to question why you didn't get anything, but you felt as if they'd figure it out soon.
As everyone said goodbye and walked home, you stood there, staring blankly.
"I can't go home." You whispered.
"Not after everything."

Ryan spun around to see you who grabbed his shoulder, he stared, worry in his eyes as tears were streaming down your cheeks.
"Are you okay?"
"I can't go home."
"They're after me."
"Is it alright if I stay with you?" You asked, red heat filling up to your cheeks. You completely ignored his questioned. Mark turned as he heard this, his eyes wide with surprise.
"I-I mean, just for tonight, then I'll be gone." Quickly, you corrected yourself. Ryan turned to look at Mark, who just seemed as lost as he was.
When Ryan turned back to face you, he answered with the simplest sentence he could.
"Y-yeah, sure." He tried to smile, but it just turned out a wide grin.
"Thank you so much." With that, you smiled and walked with them back to their house. Awaiting for the next day to arrive.

Hey guys! Sorry for the posting be late, I couldn't find time in the last days to write the next chapters. Hopefully things will come out quicker and much better from now on!
Also, YOU LIVE WITH RYAN NOW! Or for at least a night. How exciting does that sound?! More updates soon! Till next time!

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