I stood on my tiptoes as I wrapped my arms around Aiden's neck "Thank you for being there for me."

As I pulled away I placed a kiss on Aidens cheek. I walked out without saying anything else because I felt the tears surfacing as I thought of the events that took place last night.

When I walked in the door there stood my very angry father "Camryn Penelope Louis, Where have you been?" I ran up and hugged him. He may have been angry but I still missed him "Nightmares." he looked at me and I could see so much of Camdyn in him "Aiden heard me scream and asked me to stay over at his so I wouldn't be alone."

He pulled me back into a hug "I'm sorry baby girl. I'm going to try to be home more."

I knew that deep down he meant it but it wouldn't happen. It never does.

"I know you need to be headed to school but I was hoping we could go get some food at Archie's together tonight. Do you have any plans?" I shook my head and ran up the stairs to get ready.

I got into the shower and I couldn't help but think about what happened at the beach house. I don't know what to think. I hope it meant what I wanted it to but what if it didn't.

I put on a pair of ripped jeans and the hoodie I had on before. It smelled like Aiden and I couldn't help but smile.

I shouldn't have feelings for him. I'm going to get myself hurt.

I drove to school and the day was mostly normal. My life is somewhat boring. I couldn't help but notice Aiden acting a little awkward, I ignored it.

When I got home my dad was sat at the counter looking through the newspaper. I snapped my fingers before him "You ready?"

He made that sound all dads make that's between a grunt and actually saying the word 'yeah'

I met my dad outside in his old beat-up truck that he refuses to get rid of. "So how is school going this year?"

I gave him the usual "same old same old" speech with a shrug and I changed the subject.

Archie's was my brother's favorite restaurant and my dad always brought me here when he was home. Archie is the little old man who owns the restaurant and he is the sweetest thing. He only hires teenagers because he thinks they need the experience before going into the world on their own.

We sat down at our usual table when I heard "Welcome to Archie's can I star- you've got to be kidding me right now. Camryn?" I looked up to a very embarrassed Aiden

"Nice to see you again son. How have you been?" my father spoke and Aiden looked like the perfect mix of horrified and relieved 

"I'm doing well sir. How are you?" he was beginning to look less tense.

"I'm good now that I'm with my daughter. How is your portfolio going?" I watched as Aiden sat his pen and paper down on the table invested in the conversation.

"Very well actually, technically it's finished but I'm touching it up and adding some here and there. I finally found the perfect model so I have a more variety of photos." I could feel my face heating up "Well, I'd love to chat but I've got a job to do."

Dad shook his head while saying "Understandable just write down 2 Louis regulars and 2 waters." he nodded and was gone.

"He really is a good kid. You like him don't you?" my mouth was open from shock and before I could reply he said, "You look like a tomato Penelope."

Lunch after that was quite normal and we didn't see much of Aiden after we talked because the restaurant got busy. My dad and I talked about his work which I mostly didn't understand. As much as I loved my father his job made little sense to me.

After that, he drilled me about my new friends so I told him everything. I left out the kiss and telling Aiden everything that happened. I couldn't bear the betrayal he would feel, after the crash, he begged me to tell him the things that happened.

My dad paid the bill and I waited. I noticed Aiden carrying dirty dishes when I realized I didn't even know he had a job.

On the way out I was stopped by someone saying my name. I turned and saw Aiden trying to catch up "I was wondering if you would want to go to a party tonight? The whole groups going."

Before I could answer my dad's loud mouth screamed from the truck "You should go." I turned and raised my eyebrows at him.

"Pick me up at 9." I winked at him before jogging to my dad's truck.

If Aiden can flirt so can I.

"What was that about?" My dad asks wiggling his eyebrows and I laughed at his grin.

"It's nothing Dad."

When we got home I checked the time and I had four hours to get ready. So, I took a shower quickly so I had plenty of time.

Once I was out I found a black V- neck shirt and put it on trying to keep it dry and away from my wet hair. I found my favorite light blue ripped skinny jeans and jumped into them. I sat at my vanity and painted my fingernails black. Waving my fingers in the air to dry to them I checked the time again. Two hours left.

I did my make-up and curled my hair. I was in awe at how good my hair actually looked. I found the leather jacket that I haven't worn in a while and put it on.  I tied a flannel around my waist before searching through my shoes. I pulled out my high-heeled booties and put them on making me a few inches taller.

I stood in front of my full-length mirror and I have to say I look good. This is actually the first time I've gotten dressed up for a party. I heard the doorbell ring and my dad open the door.

I put on red lipstick and made my dramatic entrance down the stairs.


I'm back from vacation so I should be back on track! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and Camryn's father coming back.

The picture attached is the outfit that Camryn wears to the party.

This chapter is dedicated to @kpgcatlover who wrote The Bad Boy Taught Me How To Fight. It's 50 parts and so so so amazing.

ISO completed books to read.

Hope you enjoyed! Thank you to reading XOXO

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