Royalty's Birthday

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I literally love this collage 😭😍😍😍 .. the bottom left picture is what's going to happen first.


Royalty's birthday was tomorrow, but today I had to go practice for tour of course. Work never stops, but I want her to go with me.

"Ro baby come on, you can put your shoes on in the car we're running late" I said as I picked her up , my manager called me 5 times now asking me if I was in the car yet. I had been on my way for a good half hour now.

"But daddy my hairrrr" she whined, I took them braids out last nights & maybe I should've kept them in for another day. It would've really helped

"I'll do your hair when we get there I promise" I said as I carried her to the car, the driver didn't even ask to help me with all her toys that she was bringing , his ass was just watching.

"Good afternoon Mr." he greeted as I sat in the back seat with Ro & her toys , finally ready to pull off

"Yeah Wassuh" I nodded trying to catch my breath as he pulled off "you know where to go right ?"

"Yes sir"

Once we made it to practice of course everyone was waiting on me. They'll survive though.

"Come on Royalty" my manager began "let's go in this room so daddy can practice"

"What you doing" I asked, she always tryna take Royalty away from me like she wasn't my child

"You need to practice Chris"

"She can stay in here while I do so" I said as I picked her up & grabbed her toys "y'all can start" I told the dancers "come on baby lets do this head of yours" I said gaining a laugh out of her

"I wanna bun" she smiled

"You're gonna get a bun then"

"Aw Chris I have to take a picture of this" one of the dancers said as I was almost finish with Ro's bun

Ain't you supposed to be dancing ..

"Don't post that!" My manager hurried towards her and yelled

"I wasn't I was just going to send it to him in case he wanted to post it" the dancer,Maria said with a stank face. I swear my manager be doing too much.

"Thanks Maria" I nodded as I felt the notification come through.

And with that being said, Ro went to the corner where I could watch her & played with her toys as I practiced for tour.



"Girl yeah, Chris took them braids right on out" I laughed over the phone with Maya . I was on my way to pick up Isis & Ishani so we could do some birthday shopping for Ro , I also had to fill them in on the Hannah situation.

I would've told Isis the day I asked for her address but when you have more than one sister you'll soon realize its better to just tell them things at the same time.

"He is such a party-pooper" Maya laughed


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