Kakashi passed a team?! And he's on time! (Edited)

Start from the beginning

The figure said "not terrorising everyone here, I hope Naruto" Naruto smirked and said "wouldn't dream about it Asuma. By the way you still owe me money" Asuma sighed took out the money and placed it on the blonds desk and then said "stupid blond, who always wins our bets. by the way it's Asuma-sensei to you from now on" Naruto looked at the man and said "thank you and no promises! by the way their in the back" Naruto said jabbing his thumb in the direction of the three genin,that had moved the opposite end of the room when they noticed the aura around the blond.

Asuma nodded and said "it was good seeing you,anyway team ten follow me" before leaving the room with team ten in tow. Everyone else was looking at Naruto who was counting the money he was given and smirked before saying to himself "he should know by now that I always win my bets" he pulled out his wallet and placed his money in there, Before returning it back to his zipped up pocket.

A few seconds later a woman came in and said "team eight follow me, I am your jounin sensei" team eight followed her out. The other teams were collected one by one until five genin were left, it had been 3 hours since the pickup time. let's just say that it was safe to assume that everyone was avoiding the blond, who had a sadistic smile that promised pain on his face, everyone except the Uchiha, who was sat next to him used to the boys ways.

The door opened and in walk Kakashi Hatake, he surveyed the room before stopping on sasuke, slowly turning to the last person in the room his face went pale aa he said, "uh, h-hey n-n-Naruto d-didn't k-know y-you w-were i-in m-my t-team, h-how've y-y-you b-b-been? I h-haven't seen y-you in a few y-years" everyone other than Kakashi, Naruto and sasuke were confused as to why Kakashi looked so petrified of the little blond.

After regaining his composure he announced, "meet me on the roof" disappearing in a poof of smoke. Four of the five genin walked, the other disappeared in a plume of smoke, re-appearing in front of Kakashi, who said "please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me." rocking back and forth like a baby.

Naruto looked down at his teammate and said "oh don't worry, I won't hurt you, not without a very good reason at least." Kakashi sighed relieved and the Naruto said "Good thing I have one. So what's this the old man tells me about you slacking off on training, Inu"

Kakashi's eyes (read eye) widened as he gave up, "fine I will except the triple training exercises." Naruto chuckled darkly as he declared, "actually it's 10x the training as its been almost 5 years since you left the team." Kakashi paled and then nodded and said "you should sit dow,  the others are about to arrive" and the blond did just that.

The four genin walked onto the roof and sat down then Kakashi looked at them and said "let's start with introductions" sakura looked at him and said "Naruto- baka isn't here and besides what do you mean, how are we supposed to do that?" everyone but Kakashi anime fell at the girls stupid-ness, Kakashi turned around and said "actually pinky Naruto is sat right next to sasuke and what I meant is tell me your likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams for the future." Everyone but sasuke looked next to sasuke and saw the blond and looked shocked but said nothing.

Mito said "well why don't you go first sensei so we can learn about you first, we have all been in the academy together so know a little bit about one another, but know nothing of you"

Kakashi nodded at the red haired girls logic and said "the name is Kakashi hatake likes don't really feel like telling you, dislikes can't say I really have any, dream's for the future can't say I've really thought about it and as for hobbies I have lots of hobbies" everyone except Naruto and sasuke anime fell and menma said "all we learned is his name." Sasuke looked at Naruto and they both nodded, Kakashi turned to menma and said "you, black haired copy of the 4th".

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