Daughter of bumblebee

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Bumblebee's Pov:
I was driving around town from a fight with barricade. I killed him for good this time, and now I could finally get back to the person that matters to me most...My daughter.

~Time skip~
Hot Rod's Pov:
"Kiera? Where are you?" I asked searching for my niece. I heard the giggling of a 5 year old and I looked behind me...No Kiera there. I turned back around and walked and heard banging on my shoulder. "Uncle Hot rod!" An all to familiar voice said. I gasped and quickly took her from my shoulder and held her in my hand ever so gently. "How'd you get up here and what if you got hurt?!" I said with worry. All she did was sit down crossed legged and smiled at me. I shook my head and smiled, "How can I be mad at that adorable face?" I said. She giggled and laid on her back with her arms behind her head, "When is my daddy coming back?" Kiera asked yawning. As I was about to speak, an engine can be heard roaring through the building all the Autobots were in. Kiera quickly sat up and smiled, "DADDY!!!" She said as bumblebee transformed and jogged over to get her. He let out his arm's and Kiera jumped into his arm's. "There's my...Little bee! Now have you...been practicing on changing into...Your Cybertronian...Form?" Bumblebee said Fist bumping Kiera. I crossed my arms and looked at bumblebee. "She's too young bumblebee. When the time is right, it will happen." I said.
Bumblebee's Pov:
I whirled at Hot rod and chuckled softly, looking back down at my little 'ki' as I like to call her, since her name was Kiera. She was sound asleep as she was laid against my chest and I had my arm under her body for support. Drift, hotrod, cogman, and much more Autobots gave a cute little, "aww" I looked at hot rod and made a soothing face and turned on my radio but turned the volume down, "Long day for her huh?" I said in one sentence. "Very long day for all the Autobots." Hot Rod said as his French accent was clearly kicking in. I gently rubbed my daughter's back with my thumb and sighed. "Well I'm putting her to bed...Then I myself will shut off for the night." I said looking around. "Night Bumblebee." My brother said. "Night hot rod." I said back.


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