Chapter 19

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The ride from the station back to her parents' house was far too short for Alice. She didn't think she'd be given any grief over the arrest, except maybe because she was with Abel, but the storm it would kick up, only strengthen by Michael's involvement, would be a nightmare.

"Dad home?"

Amelia shook her head. "On his way now."

"Good," Alice sat across on the opposite end of the sofa. "Mad about me being with Abel?"

"Not mad," Amelia said with uncertainty. "I'm scared, Alice, honestly."

Alice slowly nodded. "Don't want me to end up like you?" She hesitated, "Shit, sorry, that sounded bad. You know what I mean, Mom, right?"

"I do," she chuckled. "But, it's not that I don't want you to end up like me, not exactly," Amelia sighed. "I love your father, I've killed for him and for you and your brother without much regret. I'm happy here with Jax, with our life, but I suffered, Alice. This life brings unimaginable pain and, as happy as I am in my marriage and in Charming, I don't want my daughter to suffer the way I have."

Alice curled her feet up beneath her while silently contemplating what her mother had said and absorbing the heavy emotion behind it. "Abel went with Michael instead of going to the clubhouse when we were released." Something about what Amelia had said pushed the words from Alice, as if she knew keeping the secret or even just waiting to tell anyone would doom her, or the family, to suffer immediately.

"Michael?" Amelia asked, drawing her head back in surprise. "Why?"

"'Cause Jacob died," she shrugged. "He said he's family."

"That's bad," Amelia groaned.

Alice nodded, "Yeah, I know."

"Alice," Amelia sighed. "I don't think you should spend much time with him until your dad figures this out."

"I know," she huffed, "Sucks cause I really like him."

"I've been there," Amelia pouted. "Your dad isn't the only time I fell in love, just the best."

"You sound like such an old lady," Alice laughed. "I mean like old lady, not Old Lady," she used finger quotes to specify to her mother.

Amelia frowned, "I am old."

"How many time?"

"Times what?" Amelia cocked an eyebrow.

"Did you fall in love?"

"Oh," Amelia laughed. "Three times with your father, if you can believe it," she laughed again. "First was the teenage bullshit, then when we had you and then, right after Juice died. Our relationship was breaking down but we came back together and, well, that was the third time."

"That was after all the shit with Abel's mom, right?"

Pulling a face, one that told Alice exactly how Amelia felt, she nodded. "Yeah, it was bad but we fixed it and moved on and it's been scary intense since."

"Gross," Alice laughed. "I know you and Dad are crazy in love but hearing you talk about it is nasty. Who else though? Who was the wrong guy?"

"There was two," Amelia smiled wistfully. She would never say Juice, she hadn't even spoken his name out loud in years until then but she could never admit that lapse to her daughter. It wasn't to protect her own reputation in Alice's eyes but to keep from rehashing it and any new questions.

"Who mom?" Alice asked more forcefully.

"David Hale, actually, we dated out of spite when your father and I split the first time and the other was just some guy in Vegas, we worked together for a while."

"Hale," Alice's jaw hung open. "I mean damn, Mom. I knew you guys hooked up but I didn't know you like, loved him."

"Stop," Amelia hushed her as the sound of a Harley hit their ears. "Do not let your dad know I told you that, he'll be pissed."

"I have my own Hale shit to talk to him about," he rolled her eyes.

"Ally," Jax greeted her with a smile and a strong hug. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," she laughed. "I'm a Teller, remember?!"

Jax laughed, "Yeah, I remember."

"Dad," she sighed, "Abel left the station with Michael after he bailed us out. Said he's family and since Jacob just died he had to be there for him."

As both Alice and Amelia expected, Jax was furious. "I'll strip his prospect patch."

Amelia expected as much but Alice was taken aback. "Dad, whoa, slow down."

"Alice," he said warningly. "This isn't a slow down situation, he's a prospect and he knew he shouldn't have gone with him, he didn't even have the balls to tell me himself."

"Maybe you should talk to everyone else," Amelia suggested.

"They're not gonna be okay with this shit, Meely," Jax huffed.

She nodded, "I know but it's what you have to do, Prez." Her eyes flicked to Alice. "This is more than your daughter's boyfriend, or whatever, it's the club."

"Yeah," he groaned.

Thomas stepped into the living room, feeling the tension immediately. "What happened now?"

"Nothing," Jax said dismissively.

"Yeah, okay," Thomas said with annoyance. "Well, since you're all here, guess I should tell you."

"What?" Jax asked sharply.

"David Hale got me on the fast track into POST," he could see they weren't sure what that was. "Police Officer Standards and Training, the police academy, in Stockton."

Amelia simply closed her eyes but Jax, he couldn't hide his rage. "Hale got you in?" He asked, his fists clenched so tight his knuckles were white.

"I mean, I would have gotten in on my own but he got my start date pushed up."

"Jackson," Amelia said calmly. "Please."

"I gotta go," he growled.

"Jax," Amelia chased after him. "Hey, don't be Clay, be Piney, remember?"

"Tommy can do whatever he wants," he growled, "But I'm gonna have a word with Hale. He did this cause of Abel, you know that, Meels. He can have his traitor son back. Abel ain't SAMCRO his loyalty is a joke, and the last living Hales are gonna back away from my son and daughter."

Storming out before Amelia could respond, Jax sped off to Hale's and Amelia immediately called Opie.

"Jax is going to David Hale's, Ope, he needs someone to have his back. He's pissed, shit with Abel and now Tommy," she sighed. "Just go, please, keep him safe."

"Don't worry. I got this," Opie promised his sister. 

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