Chapter 4

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"I know you didn't mean to," Jax huffed as he undressed and prepared for bed. "Shit, Meels, part of me can't stop thinking you turned him against the club."

Amelia rolled over in bed to look at him. "I know you didn't just accuse me of that," she grumbled.

"Maybe you did it subconsciously," he sat on the edge of the mattress. "You can't tell me you're not still pissed about some of the shit that went down."

"Ok, so we're doing this," she huffed. "Did talking about who we lost maybe turn him away from the club? Possibly. Me having to explain what happened to Juice, Gemma, Piney, and everyone else when he noticed strange faces in old photos may have done it too," she sat up. "But I never, intentionally or not, ever pushed him in any specific direction. I support who our son is and Jax, you have to accept the fact that he may not want what you set out for him and that's okay."

Throwing himself back on the mattress with a groan, Jax vigorously rubbed his hand over his face. "Why wouldn't he want it? All I ever wanted was a Harley and my patch, Ope too." Jax was so confused, it just didn't make sense. "He'd be the first son of a Son not to patch, Meely."

"What did he say when you two talked?" She asked, laying beside him, propping herself up with her elbow. "Tommy is pretty transparent, Jax. He's not some emotional mystery."

He already knew what had turned Tommy away from the club; it was Jax's own behavior although he wasn't ready to admit it.

"Just that he wasn't into the life," Jax shook his head. "I just always thought I'd watch my only son follow in my footsteps."

There was no doubt she was thrilled that Thomas decided not to prospect but Amelia's heart ached for Jax. "I'm sorry, babe," she gently scratched at his beard.

Taking a deep breath he nodded, pulling her hand from his cheek to his lips and kissed her finger tips sweetly. "Maybe I can change some bylaws and Ally can prospect."

"Over my dead body," Amelia said jokingly. "Leave her out of this."

"I love you, even if you did turn my son against me."

Amelia's eyebrow arched high. "I know you're kidding."

"Kind of," he chuckled. "Just let me blame you for now until I can accept it."

"An old lady's job is never done," she scooted closer to him. "Now love me, Jackson," she mumbled into his ear.


As the waiter removed the empty bottle from the table, Alice swallowed the last sip of wine from her glass.

"I'm not usually a wine drinker," she giggled, "But this is actually good.

Michael nodded, "That's because this is expensive. I'm impressed, Alice, you can hold your weight."

"I've been drinking since I was a teen and, besides, look at my family. I think we're born with an elevated BAC."

Not saying anything for fear of offending her, Michael just smiled as he waved at their waiter for the check. "Did you have a nice dinner?"

"I did," she beamed. "I've never been on a date like this."

"You're a very special woman, you deserve the world, Alice and I intend to give it to you."

He was charming, just like her father, and Michael was using the same promises to snare Alice as Amelia had been. Each man promised their girl the world, in much different terms, but only one had true intentions.

Her cheeks flushed red, unsure of how or respond to such a compliment, luckily she wasn't expected to for long. Out the windows of the restaurant a giant fireball exploded in the sky. The patrons gasped in awe and fear but Michael was thrilled.

"Holy shit," Alice was shocked. "What was that?"

"Let's find out," he grabbed her hand and excitedly they raced to his pickup.

Alice didn't initially think it had anything to do with the club until they drove closer and closer in the direction of the blast. "Maybe we should head back?"

"Where's your sense of adventure?" He asked nudging her with his elbow. "It'll be fun."

"No, really," she tried not to sound so desperate. "We've been drinking and there's gonna be cops there. Wouldn't want you to get a DUI or something." She didn't know exact locations of the club's spots but Alice knew roughly where they were and it was too close.

"Please," he laughed. "I'm Michael Hale, it's fine."

Alice didn't like the attitude but she knew that was unfair so she tried to ignore it. Her family, blood and club, had the same kind of air about them at times although they weren't so bold with it. 

They arrived and he went ahead, making sure the area was safe, before trotting back to where she waited.

"I don't think you should go," he said somberly.

Alice's eyes narrowed. "Why? We drove up to see, now I want to see."

"Ally, really," he was more genuine in that moment than ever before. "Don't."

Stubborn as always, she pushed by him and headed toward the billowing smoke only to see how right he was. There in the path was a charred and torn apart man, leather on his back but the patches and any identifiable features were burnt away.

"Jesus Christ," she stumbled back.

"I told you," Michael was suddenly behind her. "Come on, let me take you home."

She nodded, stunned by what she had seen, and followed mindlessly as Michael helped her back to the car.

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