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yoongi sighed as he closed his laptop, relaxation flooding over him as he realised he could finally go home. he grabbed his bag and his jacket, carrying them both as he made his way to his office door, turning the light off as he exits the small room.

the hallways of the studio were lit calmly, and if it werent for the job being so stressful, the building would have come off as soothing.

yoongi doesn't say a word as he passes by the numerous offices, despite people mumbling small goodbyes to their favorite producer.

yoongi has to restrain himself from groaning when a familiar, deep voice calls his name, glancing over at the office door labeled 'manager.'

he rests his bag and jacket more comfortably as he pushes the door open, trying his best not to look irritated.

"yes, sir?" he says, forcing a smile hed learned to perfect over the past eleven months.

"good job today," the older man says, and yoongi sighs, his first thought being the man was going to scold him for doing poorly, even though both were perfectly aware he didnt.

"thanks," he says, slowly turning around, his pale hand reaching for the doorknob.

"tell hyojoon I said hi," he says behind me, and yoongi nods at him, finally twisting the doorknob and letting himself out. yoongi continues his way down the bland hallways, his legs tired and dragging.

once yoongi gets to my car, he puts his jacket and bag in the passengers side, sliding into the drivers seat and resting his head against the steering wheel. he needed just a few seconds of absolute silence before going back home; the place being just as a handful as work.

his silence is interrupted when he accidentally pressed his forehead onto the steering wheel, startling himself as he honked his car horn. he simply laughs at myself, too stressed out anyway to stress over that.

he starts his car, yawning as he pulls out his parking space and starts his journey home.

yoongi is greeted by a quiet house, the only light on being the kitchen light. the tv is playing, but nobody is in the room.

yoongi sets his stuff down, sitting in the chair and resting his head on his hands, completely exhausted.

suddenly he hears footsteps advancing toward him, so he wipes his eyes before smiling brightly, his eyes finding the girl headed towards him.

"hey baby!" he says happily, sliding out of his chair to hug hyojoon.

"hi appa! how was your day?" the little girl asks, and yoongi just smiles at how considerate she is.

"ah, it was great actually! what about yours? where's Johyun?" yoongi asks, the babysitter suddenly coming into mine.

"ooh, he fell asleep on my bed," hyojoon says, grabbing her father's hand and leading him to her room, where they found a sleeping man not much older than yoongi that was supposed to be monitoring his child.

"how about you go wake johyun hyung up?" yoongi asks, grunting as he kneels down to the floor at his daughters height. she nods, making her way over to johyun.

she crawls onto the bed, sitting next to johyun and tugging on his sleeve, and the older almost immediately wakes up.

"oh, hey yoongi," johyun says, wiping his eyes and sitting up properly.

"how was your sleep, hyung?" yoongi asks, and johyun scratches the back of his neck.

"yea.. sorry about that, I just kinda assumed joon would stay asleep so I accidentally fell asleep too," he says nervously, and yoongi laughs a little.

"dont worry, hyunnie hyung. youre good. but its late, you should probably get home. need a ride?" yoongi asks, standing up and brushing off his pants.

"nah, I can walk. I'll see you tomorrow though, yea?" johyun asks, turning back to look at hyojoon. she nods at him, earning an adoring smile from yoongi.

"it's cool hyung, I really can drive you," yoongi says, stopping johyun from walking past him.

"actually, I insist," he interrupts him, who was probably going to decline his offer again.

"well, since you insist, yoongi," he says, rolling his eyes at yoongis stubborn behavior.

"come on, hyojoon! were gonna go drop hyunnie hyung off at home!" yoongi says, holding his hand out for the young girl. she takes it, following the two adults out of the house and into the car. the taller of the three, johyun, lets the other two pass him, smiling rather adoringly at yoongis behavior with his daughter.

johyun gets into the passengers side, hyojoon in the pack. yoongi starts his car, humming softly to a song in his head.

the car ride is silent to the most part, except for when johyun finally speaks up when they arrive in front of his house.

"you know, jimin quit his job today," he says, and yoongi grits his teeth at the mention of the name.

"that's uh, thats nice," he says, pursing his lips as he looks at johyun.

"yea. so, um, I was like wondering if you wanna go out to lunch or something over the weekend? its been a while," johyun says, scratching the back of hs neck.

"sure. I'll probably drop hyojoon off at my moms or something,"  he says, and johyun smiles.

"alright, well I'll see you in the morning yoongs. bye joon!" johyun says, waving at the girl in the back seat. she waves back, smiling brightly.

once they return back home, yoongi locks all the doors and turns off all the lights, beginning to get hyojoon ready for bed.

"hey appa, who is jimin?" she asks, surprising yoongi.

"huh? why?" the man asks, and hyojoon shrugs.

"you looked mad when johyun mentioned them," she says, and yoongi sighs.

"ah, theyre nothing you've got to worry about. good night, joon,"  yoongi says, leaning down to kiss his daughters head.

upon making it to his bed, his smile falls and he flops against his bed, exhaustion taking over as he nearly immediately falls asleep.

he had been reminded of jimin way too many times for his liking.


bet you didnt expect that ;;)

ah man I promise I'll try to make the sequel way neater and actually have other characters play roles n stuff and not half ass this

and sorry if I end up accidentally switching the POV'S I have a habit of doing that :\

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