Everytime you go to sleep, you risk never waking up.

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a/n: hey guys this is my chapter so get ready for this gr8 stuff

Stampy's POV:

I opened the door and saw my greatest enemy standing before me.


Johnny had bullied me through all of highschool and he would beat me up everyday and make fun of me when I cried cuz it hurt a lot.

"Johnny what are you doing here?!?! Go away, I'm trying to have an awesome party with my friends!" I screamed at him angrily and upset.

Johnny looked at me with his signature angry look. "So what" he said "I dont care about your dumb little party" he pushed me to the ground and walked inside. He is such a horrible person! I couldn't even believe what he was doing!

"help! There's a horrible guy in the house, get him out!" I yelled to my friends. Squaishey came running to me ((of course)) to help me. I couldn't see what everyone else was doing.

Squid's POV:

I was just sitting aorund in the living room with the others waiting for the party to start when I heard Stamps yelling. There was someone mean in the house! I must make him leave!

I walked over to the kitchen and found Johnny grabbing stuff from the fridge. "Hey! Stop that! Leave!"

"lol why should I leave? I'm just doing what I want to stampy's house and you cant stop me" he said evilly.

"Ye can't do that! This is Stampy's house! Leave!" I punched him in the face REALY hard and he fell on the floor. I yelled at him to leave again. He can't do whatever he wants to STAMPY! That isn't nice!

Johny ran away crying. "And dont come back!" I yelled after him. I went over to Stampy to see if he was okay. Sqaishey was already there talking to him. "Hey stamps, are ye alright mate?" I asked him. I hoped he was alright. I would've been so sad if he got hurt.

"Yeah mate I'm fine." He said as he stood up with the help of Sqaishey. "It was nothin, im fine."

"YEAH SQUID HE'S FINE SO LEAVE HIM ALONE" Sqashey suddenly yelled.

"Alright then, sorry" I backed away slowly and went back to the couch. Why did Sqaishey hate me so much? I didn't really like her a lot, but I at least tried to be nice to her for Stamps. Stamps wanted me to be nice to all his friends so I tried my best to be nice.

Squaishiys PoV:

I watched angrily as Squid walked away. I was sooooo mad! Why cant he leave stampy-chan alone! Doesn't Squid know that Stampy-chan's mine?!?!? I helped him over to an armchair. He hit his leg when he fell and it hurt a lot but it wasn't broken or anything so I think itll just get better in a bit. I sat down in the chair next to him.

"Let's play a game! Truth or dare!" SAID sTampy-chan.

"That sounds like a great idea! I ask you first thou! Truth or dare?"

"Truth!" he said happily.

"Is it true that you wuuvvv meeeeeeee?" I asked him. Stampy-chan blushed a lot.

"Of course I wuv yoouuuuuu!" He reached over and kissed me on the cheek.

"awwweee yay!!!"

"okay! Squid is next! Truth or dare!" said Stamps.

"u-uhhhhhmmm... Truth!"

"Booooo what a lame choice!!! Pick dare!!" I said loudly at him. Honestly, truth or dare is no fun if everyone picks truth.

"fine then. Dare." Squid said. UGH I hate him so much!!!!!11!!

"I dare you to eat this old banana!" Stamps said laughing. He held up a gross looking banana. Hahhahahahahah this was gonna be so great!!!!


hope you guys enjoyd my chapter

its a bit longer than britt's chapter but that's because im so g00d at creative writing

my teacher complimented me on a poem once

((it was epic))

anyways, I wonder what will happen next????? putin the comments below what you think will happen next and well see what happens

hope you enjoyed my chapter more than britts

alright keelaigh out

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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