It was a beautiful, bright, and sunny Sunday today. The birds were chirping, there were no clouds in the sky, bunnies were probably bouncing around in beautiful flowery meadows, and the sound of gunshots were vibrating through my ears like how your favorite music does when you put on earphones at full volume.

Ok, that last part was a little sadistic, but whatever.

I was right now at the shooting range with Hunter. He told me that he signed us up for advanced shooting, so we got to go to the higher level range where the objects will- apparently- be moving around.

"Some will be fast, some will be slow, and some might even pop out at you. The only way they will disappear is if you shoot them in the center of the target," the guy who ran this side of the range said in a dramatic voice. Hunter listened carefully, making sure not to miss a thing, as the man said the rules for the range. I was surprised he wasn't bent over with a notebook on his knees, taking notes like the inner nerd he is.

I, on the other hand, just stared off into space as the man babbled on. Everything he said came in one ear and straight out the other the whole time, until he was about done with his little speech. "... And no horseplay in there either. Got it you two?" the man said in a gravelly voice. Hunter and I nodded, making the man turn to his desk and take out two pistols from the cabinet under his desk.

Woah, what? What else does he put in there? I thought in my head, trying to subtly bend over to see if I should be worried about him just nonchalantly pulling out two Glock 18 handguns out of a cabinet.

"Go in! Why are you still here?" the man said, quickly closing the cabinet when he saw I was trying to sneak a peek in. I gave him a long glance before grabbing the gun, turning around, and following Hunter to the room where we will be shooting.

"That guy's weird," Hunter said when he closed the door behind me, scratching the back of his head.

"That guy's a jerk," I muttered at the same time, turning my head to look at the guy, just to see him smoking a cigarette and playing poker on his phone.

"You have one minute before the objects appear. Take your positions and get ready" the speaker in the corner said a couple seconds later, making Hunter and I walk to the center of the room. When we got to the center we got into our shooting stances, legs spread shoulder width apart with our dominant leg slightly in front of the other one, and waited patiently for the objects to move.

"Hey, Hunter?" I said, not moving my stance or eye contact from the room.

"Yes?" he said, not moving his eye contact either.

"Today is the last day before I go back to school... " I said trailed off, biting on my bottom lip.

"Yeah, I know. You go to my school after all," he said casually, making me tilt my head slightly in response.

"Wait, you go to my-" I tried to ask, but was interrupted by a loud beeping sound.

"Approximately 30 seconds for objects to appear. Please take your desired stance," the robotic voice said over the speaker.

"Desired stance? What?" I said with a slight chuckle as I turned to Hunter, forgetting what I was about to ask him three seconds ago. He just shook his head and shrugged, making me shake my head in amusement.

"They're trying to sound like they're professional?" Hunter suggested, making me scoff and look back to the man with the cigarette.

"Yeah, and it's not working well for them," I said as he shifted a little in his stance. "Anyway, I was going to ask-"

"-Wait. Let me guess. You want me to come to the mall with you?" he asked in an amused voice, making me pull a face at him and chuckle.

"No. Well... I mean I guess, yeah.... I mean, no that's not what I was g-"

I'm Back And With Revenge *Edited version published*Where stories live. Discover now