30. Babysitting...

Start from the beginning

"No. No I don't."

"Isn't that your...?"

"I'm babysitting."

"Ooh! That's so sweet. I've never seen a man so dedicated and kind to a child their babysitting before... I'm Polly."

I am uncomfortable because this Polly woman is making a move on me. But Gabby is creeping up behind her as obvious anger is in her eyes. Jealousy was present as well, and Brianna saw her too, making her giggle.

"Wait a minute...aren't you - oh my gosh your Liam Couteau! I - I - I love you!" She bursts, her son looking at her, embarrassment clear on his face. But it paled when he saw Gabby, and it had him jumping out the cart.

"I love him more. I am pregnant with his twins after all." Polly twists around, and she starts laughing uncomfortably when Gabby shoves her out the way. She walks around the cart, then gets next to me as she looks at Brianna.

"I..I'm sorry. I didn't know he had-."

"Maybe you should stick to watching your son instead of flirting with men you don't know like a bitch."

"Gabby!" I growl, the woman looking to her son as he was clearly amused.

"Ma'am, I don't believe that language is appropriate for the little ears-."

"I don't think your behavior was appropriate for your innocent son to see," Gabby grabbed his arm as she hugged him, making him blush, I don't think she knows that that kind of stuff around here isn't normal to humans,"watching his mother flirt with a man. My husband."

"Where - where's the ring?" Polly snapped, clearly not noticing the predicament her son is in.

"About to be up your butt and around the corner - keeping it kid friendly." She smirked, the woman red faced, twisting her cart around. I realized soon, that there was a crowd recording this, great.

"Come on Daniel!" Polly screeched, and the boy reluctantly pulled out Gabby's arms.

He slumped away, and I couldn't help but laugh as I couldn't believe that this all just went down.

Gabby folded her arms, grinning as she took Brianna in her arms.

"I'm sorry about that. I was...I was just jealous. Sorry."

"It's cool. It shows that you love meh." I wink, leaning in to kiss her cheek, but I stop as I see an even bigger crowd. I forgot, I'm not a normal person in Target. I'm a Couteau, and seeing me here with a woman and a child will most definitely start rumors in the tabloids. But one of them is true, this woman is mine. And I'm in love with her.

That's one thing that they won't get wrong. And yep, just maybe, technically she is my wife...just...just without the ring...





I grab Gabby's hand as I pull her out of Target, away from prying eyes.

Not to be a freak or anything, but I always carry around my mothers ring. When she died I took it upon myself to take her rig off her finger before they buried her under the ground. I promised myself that whenever I fell in love, I'd give this ring to someone special.

I can remember her words clearly whenever I was twelve:

"Did Father get that for you?" Mother looked at her finger as the blue diamond sparkled in the light.

The Emergence Of The Alpha Twins  ( UNDER REVISING )Where stories live. Discover now