Hair, Makeup, Clothes

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Eren and I arrived at Wings of Freedom, the name of the studio we worked for. They were apart of the Survey Corps Modeling Agency. It was a very prestigious organization and was the leaser in the modeling industry. We only got jobs here because Eren's Mom worked as a talent scout for the agency. 

We were told to go to the second floor to get styled before we met the new photographer by Connie who worked the security desk. He only was allowed to work there because he was part of the school's Career and Technical Education program or CTE for short. He was taking classes in the criminal justice area. Eren and I headed for the elevator. When we arrived at the second floor, we were bustled into the makeup and hair area by Annie and Petra. These two were some of the only actual college graduates we knew that worked here. While Annie fussed over Eren's unruly hair, Petra applied gobs of makeup to my face. I usually wear a little bit of eyeshadow and lip gloss to school but Petra put eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, foundation, blush, lip stick, and lip gloss on my face. Eren was done with his hair being smoothed down. Annie let out a discontented sigh and said that it was as good as it was going to get. We switched places. Eren got to leave to go have Marco style him before I did because as an androgynous model, my hair was going to take a little longer than his. Annie got to work on making me look a little bit more like a girl. 

Almost half an hour later I emerged from Annie and Petra's area. Marco almost laughed at me. It had been a while since he styled me as a girl. I just silently glared at him, which only made him laugh at me more. He showed me what he was thinking I would wear. It looked gorgeous. I wish I could take the clothes home with me. Yes I am a crossdresser too, do you have a problem with it? Anyway, Marco had laid out a long sparkly white dress. It's skirt was longer in the back than in the front and there were some white high heeled boots. We were doing our winter addition. I was to be the snow queen. I reached out to touch it, only to have my hand slapped away by Marco. 

"You can put it on after the meeting, I don't want it to get dirty." he said.

"Do you not trust me?" I asked with a bit of malice in my voice.

He chuckled slightly, "Trying to be the Ice Queen already Armin? No it's not you that I don't trust, its Eren. He is super accident prone."

"Agreed." I said laughing. Suddenly there was an announcement over the PA system: "Will all androgynous, erotic, and teen clothing models and their stylists please report to the conference room on floor five."

Here we go. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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