Taka Kazami

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Taka's Basic Information

Eyes: Blood Red

Hair: Raven Black

Skin Color: Fairly Light

Age: 14

Height: 5' 2"

Magic: Water Dragon Slayer


Guild Mark placement: Left Arm *Right under shoulder* (Blue Mark)


Food: Ramen

Color: Blue, Green, Agua Colors

Animal: Tigers and Dragons, and Lizards (Lizards remind her of Dragons)

Season: Winter and Fall

Taka's Personalily

Taka is more of a tomboy. She really hates girly things. Everytime anyone calls her cute, she wont like it. If you do it repeatedly, she will be ticked off and will do something, (She pulls on one of Lucy's pigtails) but, she doesn't mind if Natsu calls her cute (She will only blush).

Personal Secret

Taka is secretly in love with Natsu. Natsu Dragneel. She was in love with him for 10 years, but she never told him. She wants him to love her back. Ever time he holds her hand, hugs her, or is around her, her heart races. She tries to find him again. She can't find a good moment of when to confess her love to him. She doesn't really confess until way later.


All of her family is deceased. A man suddenly came and killed her family, when she was 2 years old. She lost her Father, Mother, Unborn Brother, and Older Sister.

When she was a little girl, she was really smart. When she was 6 months old, she had the mind of a 3 year old. when she was 2, she had a 5 year old brain. She was smart enough to leave the house, while her family was being slaughtered.

Taka of Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now